Executor expenses



My father passed away in August. Since my brother and I both live far away, it took a few days to get to the lock box which showed my brother to be executor. We planned the funeral and both went our seperate ways.
Now my brother, the executor, is trying to get reimbursed for the trip he made home for the funeral. Can he claim this expense? If so, can he claim this expense for his wife and 5 children as well?
It seems greedy and unfair he is getting reimbursed for a trip he should have made as a son, not the executor.
Any advice?
It does not seem a good start as an executor.Within reason I would try and keep relations good. If a solicitor is going to be employed please ensure a reasonable fee is agreed beforehand and the matter of expenses can be raised if necessary when matters are being finalised at the end. I am not a solicitor but have acted as an executor in the past...a thankless exercise unless the deceased is a close relative and friend
Sorry for your loss. I thought executor expenses were those incurred in dealing with the estate of the deceased - not the funeral. Your brother's wife and children are not executors so I doubt if their claim will be seen as justified.
Sorry about your loss & I'm sure this sort of carry on doesn't help.

Executor expenses are exactly that - the out of pocket expenses incurred while doing the job. He was not even aware he was executor until after the funeral. Therefore, the cost of returning for the funeral should not be included. However, it certainly gives you a heads up on what his behavior will be like during administering the estate. He may have to return at a later stage to sign forms etc, and it would be reasonable for him to claim for the cost of the fare (for him....not the family).

While it can be a thankless and time consuming job, it is not a paid one (unless you are a solicitor). My dads took about 80 hours between the various jobs & appointments - the only thing I claimed for was administration costs (eg - postage). Larger expenses were written direct from the executor account.

It would be worth making it clear (in as nice a way as possible) that you will be expecting to get a list of costs, expenses, assets etc at the end of probate.