Execution Order - Credit Union Mess - What to do


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Firstly a quick background...separated from ex 5+ years ago...he kept house i moved out. Applied to get my name off mortgage, was declined, he stopped paying it and lived in it practically for free for years. Eventually finally this year bank agreed to sell it at a massive loss. Will no doubt start hounding me for the balance shortly.

Secondly point. I am 30+, with small kids and in a new relationship now. I am unemployed and have no income or assets.

My exhusband and I took out a big credit union loan in 2006ish used towards house deposit, we topped up several times for various things. very foolish with hindsight of course but at the time we both had good jobs etc. The account was in my name but he signed for the top ups as a co-signer.

Since our split in 2007 we shared the repayments. We applied to the credit union to split the loan, half each, they refused. When i lost my job in 08 i approached them to restructure and they refused to assist. I struggled to keep going. In 2008 my ex just stopped paying everything. The credit union was supposed to be a total of €80 per week. I managed to pay €30 for a considerable period (stopped some months back because I am literally penniless)(i now this will make some of ye angry). For years I received constant hassle from them including hauling me off to an office for an ear bashing when i was spotted in there one day with a friend while she was transacting business.

Anyway, im wafflin. They persisted to hound my ex for his half of the payment, letters, meetings and even calling out to him. he promised and then never followed through. Until 2011 when they suddenly informed me that as I had signed alone for the final top up he was off the hook for everything and they left him alone and harrassed me.

I cannot understand how they harrassed him for so long and then decided that he didnt owe anything. And why when i signed for the last top up alone, after they had always insisted that we both sign, did they not tell me that i was taking full responsibility for everything? Surely that's against good financial practice? Surely it would be an obligation to make someone aware of the implications of what they were signing?

Anyway, i started getting solicitors letters about it. And i lodged a form in the courts office many months ago to say I would attend the court. However today I received an Execution order from their solicitors going back to october awarded in the courts against me. I dont know what it means or what to do or why i never got a court date. I dont really understand the whole procedure and the letters are filled with legal jargon.

I am absolutely skint. I couldnt afford a solicitor or even money for advice. I hope to apply for personal insolvency when it comes in but I dont know if this prevents me from doing it or if i'll have the sheriff banging down the door before then or what? I've had a cry and im over it now, i just want to deal with whatever needs to be done

Can anyone help me please.
Get every piece of paper concerning all of the loans you can into a box, called MABS and arrange a meeting with them ASAP.

Tell them you have an outstanding execution order, that will bump you up the queue.

Bring the box to MABS and talk to them about it.

Until then remember, they can't get money out of you that doesn't exist.

Feeding yourself and your children, keeping the lights on and the heating going comes first before any loan repayments.
Thanks for the reply, I have emailed Mabs there now...I should probably have posted this under Credit Unions I will repost it there...sorry about that

The last time I spoke to Mabs I advised the Credit Union I was getting some advice and their reply was "we dont deal with Mabs or anyone like that" !!
cheers...i just didn't know what it meant? The minute you see sheriff on something you panic i suppose. If I had have attended court would it still have been issued anyway?

What exactly does it mean? Or whats the next step? Does anyone know
also just to add it said costs have been awarded against me for €750 and interest on everything is accruing at 8% per month...
There is free legal aid.
I presume you mean Legal Aid Board? They are not free but may only charge a token fee depending on circumstances.

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JayJay80 - did you get a judicial separation as it should have covered how assets/debts would be dealt with post separation.