Hi! Everyone, thanks for your replies. The sale price of the house is over the million mark. Purchaser refused to pay E30,000 booking deposit as required by auctioneers. His solicitor told the auctioneers that she had advised him not to do this, and that E15 should be sufficient.
Contracts signed last week by Purchaser, after I said I would withdraw the house for sale, and after three weeks of promises by buyer. I made it known that I needed to move quickly to buy another house in Dublin, as we would be returning to live in Dublin, and getting school places for the children would depend on where we would be living.
On the day the purchaser signed the contracts, solicitor sated that the purchaser had the deposit and same would be forwarded to my solicitor by early this week.
On Thursday, discovered through auctioneer and my solicitor, that purchaser did not have deposit, but was borrowing the entire amount. Solicitor shaid she had the loan approval sitting on her desk. Purchaser aborad, and auctioneer said he would be back today. Purchaser's solicitor says she doesn't know when he will be back. Meanwhile, I am fretting about buying another house in Dublin, in an area where there are fairly good schools and where there are also school places available. I have already pulled out of one house becasue of renovation costs, but also because by the time, and even if, the sale completes, there might not be adequate time for me to renovate another house - and houses in my price range in my chosen areas nearly all require some rennovation.
Another letter sent today by my solicitor sating that we require 10% desposit by Tuesday, or it will be presumed that the purchaser is not serious about the sale completion. From my perspective, I cannot sign for antoher house, until 10% deposit is forthcoming. If the purchaser's solicitor had initially told me that he was borrowing the whole lot and there would be no 10% deposit, only a booking deposit, until completion, then I might feel a bit better about things, but because the deposit has been promised, but is not now forthcoming, I feel a bit dubious about the whole deal. At this stage, and due to time contstraints, I feel it will be likely that I will have to hold onto the house for another couple of years.
Sorry that the post is so long.