Excessively noisy exhaust on a car.



Is it an offence to have an excessively noisy exhaust on a car? Boy racers are causing alot of noise outside my house night and day caused by the specially modified exhaust pipes on their cars. Is there any potentially (probably) successful course of action that I could take?
OP, are you sure it is actually a modified exhaust? These guys love to "redline" which causes a lot of throaty roar even on a standard pipe.
rev to the max limit of the engine rev counters normally change to red at high revs. Hence Redline.
There's something if you take off an air filter under the bonnet, you get an extremly loud noise as if from your exhaust.

I have a 17 year old car mad brother, who told me it would be 'savage' if I did this to my car.
There's something if you take off an air filter under the bonnet, you get an extremly loud noise as if from your exhaust.

I have a 17 year old car mad brother, who told me it would be 'savage' if I did this to my car.

No offence, but your brother's an id10t.
Taking off the air filter will result in all sorts of dirt, grit, leaves etc entering the throttle body or actual combustion chamber and potentially damaging the car in a big way. There's a filter there for a reason.
You can put a cone filter which will give a nice sound to the intake but will not make it 'loud'

Exhaust decibel limits are not in place....they were mooted at one point but shot down just as quick.

OP, ring the guards and tell them they're doing donuts and handbrake turns and you think someone will be hurt and they'll be down quick enough to chase them away. Keep doing it and they'll find another place to play.