Excess baggage


Registered User
I will be travelling to the Far East in the next couple of months and no doubt will be loaded down with stuff on the way back (will be in the Philippines and Singapore). Does anyone know of a cheaper way of getting things back rather than getting stung with Excess Baggage from Sing airlines ? Thanks.
I think most major airlines/airports provide this facility. I know when we were coming back from New Zealand with a whole heap more than we went out with we shipped a load of stuff back. I can't remember the exact details but in the end we went to the freight part of the airport the day before we were due to fly out, provided our tickets, excess baggage and a credit card, and by the time we arrived in Dublin the bags were sitting there ready for collection. The bags went BA while we went Air NZ/JAL so there was no inherent tie-in between the excess baggage carrier and our own carrier - we just needed the tickets to 'prove' that we were going to be flying also.

Best bet is to ring/email the airport authority and ask them for details of excess baggage service providers and then contact them directly. I would also suggest that a quick google with 'excess baggage Singapore' would be usefull for other peoples experiences.

zag said:
IThe bags went BA while we went Air NZ/JAL so there was no inherent tie-in between the excess baggage carrier and our own carrier - we just needed the tickets to 'prove' that we were going to be flying also.
I'd wonder about the security issues here. Given that they will delay a flight to remove your bag if you don't show up for boarding to stop you loading a bomb into your luggage, why is it OK for you to send your bags on another plane in this manner?
Just a quickie on excess baggage. When both myself and my wife travel we usually bring one suitcase between the two of us. If the suitcase is over the allowed allowance for one person will they accept that this one suitcase is actually for two people?
I would think so. Myself and Mrs Bond had a suitcase weighing over 30kg on a flight from the USA to Dublin on Aer Lingus, no bother.
Rainyday - it's because the whole security thing is a bit over played. Do you think they x-ray *all* freight going into the belly of planes ? There is nothing inherently less safe/secure about personal luggage than freight.

IsleOfMan - as long as your total bag weight doesn't fall foul of anyones maximum single item weight you should be OK. I think most airlines (and their ground handlers) have a maximum of between 30-35k per single item.

Did a three month world trip and posted a lot of stuff home from the different countries, when we were leaving New Zealand to fly to Australia we sent our jumpers etc and also some things we had purchased. It was great to lighten our load and leave room to buy in Bangkok

It was sent by snail mail and we were home before it arrived.
Most airlines will arrange for unaccompanied luggage service which is sent on a 'space available' basis. I think however that you need to have a ticket with that airline on the same route as you are sending your luggage...(at least that was my experience with Qantas)...the luggage MIGHT travel on the same flight as you, it could travel a few days later...

Problem I had though was that when unaccompanied luggage arrived for me in London, it wasn't shipped to Dublin for ages. It apparently went missing in a British Midland depot...However I was called to Dublin airport several times by the receiving agent here who said it had arrived only to go out there and discover it had not arrived (it was just listed as a freight item on some flights)The handling agent behaved disgustingly, treating me like an idiot when they couldn't find the luggage (even tho someone in their office kept phoning me to say it had arrived!) ...Eventually I had a phone call from a really nice guy, deep in the dark depths of some British Midland depot in LHR saying he'd found my luggage with no 'official barcode' on it...what should he do with it..I asked him to send it as freight to the handling agents offices in Dublin. He said that he didn't know how to deal with "freight" only luggage...So he said he'd sent it later that week on a passenger flight...three hours later I got a call from baggage services in Dublin to say it had arrived....Makes you wonder if the airlines really do know what goes as freight/luggage and if it is really accounted for?