Excellence Through People: re-assessment in order to maintain the ETP standard?


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Could anyone shed any light on the process on re-assessment in order to maintain the ETP standard?
What are the key areas the auditors focus on?

Any help would be appreciated.
I found that re-assessment can be more difficult than the first original assessment.

I would foucus on any weaknesses highlighted at the first assessment.
I would also focus on demonstating improvements since the last assessment.

How long have you got before making your submission and getting your assessment?
Isn't this more of a HR certification than an assessment of real skill levels?
Isn't this more of a HR certification than an assessment of real skill levels?

Yes, its a type of HR certification based on the UK "Investors in People" programme.

ETP administered is administered by Fas.

Excellence Through People

National Human Resource Management Standard

Excellence Through People (ETP) is Ireland's national standard for human resource management.
The Excellence Through People standard is a business improvement tool designed to further an organisation’s performance through its people.
There are two main objectives to the ETP standard:
  • To act as a business improvement tool as well as being a driver for change and innovation;
  • To promote employee learning, development and involvement in line with the organisation’s goals.
Further information is available on the Eligibility Criteria and Assessment of organisations striving for the standard, as well as the Benefits associated with it. There are a number of different Levels and simple Steps to achieving the ETP standard.

Eligibility Criteria

Excellence Through People is available to all types of organisation regardless of size or sector. There are currently 600 organisations, employing in excess of 150,000 people accredited to the Excellence Through People standard. These organisations are representative of the indigenous and multinational manufacturing and services sectors, the public and voluntary sectors.
Assessment Criteria

There are 8 assessment criteria which organisations must satisfy to achieve the Excellence Through People standard:
  1. Business Planning and Quality Improvement;
  2. Effective Communication and People Involvement;
  3. Leadership and People Management;
  4. Planning of Learning and Development;
  5. Training and Life-Long Learning;
  6. Review of Learning;
  7. Recruitment and Selection;
  8. Employee Well-Being.