Excel Formula Query


Registered User
Can anyone tell me if there is a formula in Excel to do the following:-

I have two columns of numbers: I want to check if the numbers on the left column occurs in the second column and to return a positive or negative answer? It will have to take the first number in the first Column and check all the numbers in the second column and so on ???

if i understand your problem correctly Vlookup should do the trick
This should do the trick, dont know why it wont bring back false instead of N/A

all data in column

Query written from column c


1 1 TRUE
3 7 TRUE
4 5 TRUE
5 3 TRUE
6 87 #N/A
7 3 TRUE
8 7 #N/A
3 4 TRUE

this returns the number of occurences of the a1 value within the range b1:b8

if your formula is in c1


If you want to know where in colum2 your value in colum 1 is then you can use the match function:

=MATCH(lookup value,look up array,look up type)
for example =MATCH(A2,B$2:B$11,0) this matches A2 in colum A against all the values between B2 to B11. 0 defines that it must be an exact match. You can then drag this formula all the way down next to the look up values and it will return a number which corresponds to the line number where it matches a number in the column against which your are checking. Don't forget to add the $ in your formula to lock the rows, otherwise when you drag down the formula the array changes.

A B Row Number B is A in B?
1 1 Row1 1
3 2 Row2 3
5 3 Row3 5
7 4 Row4 7
9 5 Row5 9
2 6 Row6 2
6 7 Row7 6
4 8 Row8 4
8 9 Row9 8
0 10 Row10 #N/A
Thanks everyone for your replies have been away for a few days but am looking forward to trying them out over the weekend
