Excel external data


Registered User

I download data from msn.com to an excel spreadsheet on a regular basis. It has worked well for months. Today, I am getting an error stating it is unable to open the site and cannot download the data.

Any suggestions as to how I might troubleshoot this? The site I use seems to be OK.


Do you use the Get External Data function in Excel to retrieve this information?
If so, has the web address changed recently, or do you now maybe have to sign into the page that holds the info you want? The page that excel is trying to access might not have the same properties as when you first set up the query.
I'd try copying the current web address of the page you are getting the data from into the query and see if that works.

Good point, I have found that if you say clear the Internet Explorer cookies the automatic login info might get lost, try logging in again through IE first and run the Excel spreadsheet again.

The other problem is if they do a site redesign things might not be where they were when you set up the spreadsheet.

Yes, I use the Get External Data function. I have since found that two other sites I use in a similar manner are working, so the functionality of the worksheet appears to be OK. It suggests a problem with the website, [broken link removed].

Could i ask someone a favour, just to rule out my PC as a contributory factor ?

1. Open an Excel spreadsheet
2. Go to Data / Get External Data / Run Saved Query
3. Select Microsoft Stock Quotes and type in a stock symbol, eg MSFT or INTC

Does this work? If not, it looks as though MSN have changed their site and I need to do a re-work.


Machalla, Colinjo,

could I ask you a huge favour - could you go into Edit Query on Excel 2003 and let me know what URL it uses to get the quotes. I know of someone else in this predicament and it seems that microsoft have dropped support for this feature in Excel 2000


<A href="http://moneycentral.msn.com/investor/external/excel/quotes.asp?SYMBOL=["QUOTE","Enter%20stock,%20fund%20or%20other%20MSN%20MoneyCentral%20Investor%20symbols%20separated%20by%20commas">["QUOTE","Enter%20stock,%20fund%20or%20other%20MSN%20MoneyCentral%20Investor%20symbols%20separated%20by%20commas."]

thanks a million - it works now. It seems they changed their website name, and forgot about it's effects on Excell 2000 users.

great stuff
