In many years of general practice as a solicitor, I have long since come to realise there are always two sides to every story. When I meet my clients for the first time and they tell me their story, I hear one side and one side only. Months later down the line, the whole story comes out. About 50% of the time it is a very different story – seen now through reality eyes and not from the upset, emotive driven, poor me standpoint.
Having read the contributions , I am forming the strong view that perhaps what is happening here is that the Ex Friend now wants to move on with his life, he wants his name off the Deeds and his name off the mortgage – perhaps because he wants to buy a property of his own. Who knows? It may be that OP cannot get a mortgage for the full amount in their own names (notwithstanding that they have been solely responsible for the payments to date) and therefore cannot accede to the Ex Friends request that his name be removed from the Deeds. There are also horrible Tax implications for what happened here with potential CAT, Stamp Duty and CGT issues all arising. If Ex Friend and OP cannot work it out between them then do they have any alternative but to (a) sell house and (hopefully) clear mortgage ( which OP does not want to do) or go to Court -which no one will ever recommend but which is often the only alternative if one person will not sit down and work through the reality of the situation.