Everyones favorite dietician

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I can't stand the woman and even to an uneducated slob like me (not me, a slob like me :D) she spouts enough rubbish to make me question most of the other stuff that she comes out with.
The secret to good health (in as much as you can control it) is to stop eating too much high fat and high sugar processed foods, eat more fruit and veg and get more exercise. It's not hard and it's not complicated.
Like many people I’m on the heavy side of average and far less fit than I was 10 years ago but we don’t need a quack doctor or a ream of new age diet books to tell us what to do, we need to get up off our asses and go for a walk when the good “doctor” is on TV!
Good ideas Purple!

The real secret is to eat 3 (and only 3) solid meals a day and no more.

Research proves that those of us who do not eat breakfast tend to pig it later in the day and late at night and pay the consequences.

Porridge is a very good start to the day as it 'gobbles' up the cholesterol and starts the metabolism very early in the day.

Even a banana if you can force it down (only one a day mind)

The great 'doctor' is designed only for the television though - bit like that Ann Robinson on the weakeast link - you love to hate her.
The author of this was on The Panel a few weeks back... very interesting. He has a supporter in Dara O'Briain aswell. O'Briain frequently talks, disparagingly, about McKeith in his stand-up routines. His Live at the Albert Hall gig is particularly funny....