evergreen fund

[broken link removed] or on a related page? Remember that past performance is no guide to future returns.

Hi - Thanks for that
I also have "Investment For Growth (S4)" - does anyone know a webpage I can check on that also?

There is the page I was given for "Evergreen (S2)" here
[broken link removed]

A good deal less than the (S4) in the above link.

The Investment manager at my bank this year twice told me it wasnt possible for them to give out daily updates
over the internet as the load would crash their systems and any pages on internet were not accurate - seriously .
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I invested in evergreen a year ago and you know the story. I've always been in this for the long haul, but guess what? The "fundamentals" have changed drastically and the worst economic data in modern history from the US has obvious implications for changing ALL investment modeling. Sitting tight for 5 years on basis of the current economic data globally and the sub-prime crisis just doesn't make sense.

I'm getting out of Evergreen, cutting my losses. BIAM have been very very poor on the matter - their analysts haven't a clue, they send no updates or resassurances proactively, nothing. Just look at BOI's own share price performance in the last 12 months. Does that give you confidence in a company that knows how to hold its own?

In rumours are right, then BOI won't be around by 2010 anyway.

See: [broken link removed]
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I invested 10,000 in Evergreen BOI last Nov 07 ... they did not tell me then that it was not doing well ... only that it had performed well over the previous 5 years! I pulled the money in July 08 loosing about 1800. No regrets! I had been burned badly previously with Irish Life / Pemanent's SCOPE having invested 25000 in 2000 and pulling it in 2007 valued at 18000 - I think CLUBMAN must be employed by these advisors in these Banks/Consortium's! He/She keeps repeating the phrase!! ' Have you considered .... !! ......... Ahhhhhhhh! Regards Chamol

Statistically the probability of any one of us being here is so small that you would think the mere fact of existence would keep us all in a contented dazzlement of surprise. Lewis Thomas
We put 17500 in here two years ago and have paid in 200 per month and got our statement last week and it is just over 15,000, really dont know what to do. As this a large property portfolio will it ever rise significntly again?
Oh what to do??
I am in the same boat too. Would it be better to reduce the monthly repayments and ride out the storm. Is there a way you can check the progress of the evergreen fund?
Stop your monthly payments if you want, and see if the market pans out.

only way to positively check is to ring New Ireland.
People either arent getting good advice or arent actually putting any thought into their investments.

People invest in deposits, government bonds & guaranteed bonds to get returns near or slightly greater then interest rates or inflation. The idea being your investment maintains its value year on year with little or no risk.

People invest in Bonds like the BOI Evergreen when they want to make gains above inflation. It says on all declarations that "your fund may go up aswell as down" and "past performance doesnt guarantee future gains" (or something to that effect.

Somebody mentioned putting 100k retirement money into Evergreen and Trilogy 2, why would you do that if you werent willing to take a risk? Trilogy 2 is a very high risk fund to be investing retirement money in, something must of been lost in translation in communicating with your advisor .

First thing you ask yourself investing money in anything other then guaranteed investments is how much can you afford to lose. This helps you decide what your investment portfolio should be geared towards and gives you a greater understanding of the potential pitfalls of investing outside of your comfort zone (deposits etc). Nobody wants to lose money, but by asking themselves this question it should focus your mind better on the dynamics of risk v reward.

With regards to the 5 year comment that most financial advisors use, it is normally very sound advice. Who could of seen the last years economic turmoil coming? Everybody, even the most succesful companies in the world have been hit by the world credit crunch, nobody saw it coming.

I would still say to people that putting any money in non guaranteed equities is something you shouldnt be checking daily unless its a hobby. Equities will go up and down, but HISTORICALLY long term outperform all other investments.

The people who make serious money are the ones who invest when prices fall a certain amount and sell when prices are up at a certain point. Nobody on this planet can ALWAYS get it 100% right as to when the bottom up or top price of a fund or share will br reached.

I have particular dealings with the evergreen fund and know that its one of the best performers of its kind over the last 30 years. People should of considered putting money into the Guaranteed Evergreen if they didnt want to take a huge risk. This fund guarantees you at the least your money back.

People who bought houses in the last year are in negative equity, yet nobody says they were badly advised. To a degree, Its the same thing in equities, you take a chance and hope that either you arent badly burned or you make good gains. To counteract this you make sure that any risks you have taken will not impact seriously on your personal finances.

Anybody who has already invested in the evergreen has taken a huge hit in the last year or so. Could it go down further ? of course . Historically equities bounce back significantly when the worst is eventually over and by this time those who moved their money out lose out on the recovery.
I put 30,000 into Evergreen S9 in Oct06. Same story was in for the minimum 5 years. Now, with what's going on I would prefer to cut my losses. Any advice?

No easy way to put this , withdrew my own money ....

Tried to find detailed breakdown of fund, ask why fund had lost 30+% in a year, and what was being done to reverse this ....

Got no answers.
I also put money into the evergreen fund in sept 06 in Bank of Ireland, I was informed that I would be guaranteed what I put in, back. It is in an ivestment package for 6yrs which means i only get penalised if I withdraw before then but i have no plans to do that. I would love to have this confirmed please, is there a chance i could lose all the money I invested?? I am not in Ireland at present, Im living in germany and quite worried about this because I can't withdraw since Im not at home.
I appreciate any advice, thanks.

Check your policy conditions. There is a Guaranteed Evergreen fund policy (im not sure it was around in 2006 though.

If it is not a guaranteed policy then you might want to consider contacting the financial ombudsman if you were definantly told that it was guaranteed and you purchased the product based on this guarantee.

I would suggest firstly contacting the Bank that you bought the policy from (have all your details available, they will want some personal details to confirm you are who you say you are).

If the policy is not guaranteed then there is always a chance you could lose all the money you invested. I would think that the policy has gone down significantly in value since 2006 considering the troubles there are in the marketplace.

The banks in Ireland have a state guarantee (at least at the moment) so there is no immediate risk that the bank will collapse (just in case you were worried about that).

No easy way to put this , withdrew my own money ....

Tried to find detailed breakdown of fund, ask why fund had lost 30+% in a year, and what was being done to reverse this ....

Got no answers.

Im not going to speak on the banks behalf or try to make excuses as to why the fund lost 30% in a year but I am sure you read the papers and see whats going on in the financial markets.

When you took out the policy did you ever consider the possibility that you were taking a risk? Im not being smart but people are all too happy to get very profitable returns when times are good and then complain when the inevitable happens and they start losing money.

If you want to make money with little or no risk put it on deposit, otherwise you are in essence taking a calclulated gamble.

The financial markets have gone through the worst crisis and falls we have ever seen. There are few, if any who could of predicted what has happened. So many differant things have happened (high oil prices, in ireland housing sector etc) that have all compounded our misery.

If the truth be told, you have been extremely unlucky in the timing that you got into the markets (assuming you invested in the last 3 years).
Well, I'm going into the BOI tomorrow to see exactly how much I've lost. I will pull everything I have in BOI (current account included) depending on the reception I get.

The Guaranteed Evergreen fund was launched in 2005. Check with Bank of Ireland that it is the guaranteed product you have. If it is, your capital is guaranteed after 6 years.
Does anyone have a link to check the price of the Evergreen S9? probably going to get out temporarily into smart cash fund @ 5.25% for first year and maybe jump back in when things turnaround. It's free to switch back and forth.
As I started this thread back in January I thought I would give an update
present value as at oct 15 €19,841 should have got out in Jan!
My Aunt was advised by BOI to invest her total life savings in the fund which to me was just wrong. Husband had died, no reasons why letter was provided so I asked for a copy which should be due soon. Do you think she might have a case with the Financial Ombudsman. The sales man has moved on with his commission.
Again a very general query this is a long term managed fund and this would have had to be explained alonside the risks, if this was not done then perhaps she may have a case for an appeal due to mis selling, when did she invest in the fund and is she looking to withdraw?
The Evergreen is one of the better funds out there and has a very strong record
so id be cautious about exiting the fund if its only early days..
Financial advisers are supposed to ring fence a certain amount of funds for emergencies, are you saying that her entire funds were invested long term? difficult to comment on these type of cases without more info..
She started the fund early last year & it has gone down by 1/3rd. The sum invested was the majority of her & her husbands savings & was to be used as an emergency fund. I feel that she was under the impression that it was a fixed term deposit a/c. She didn't understand what a fund was..How can these people can sleep at night.