Ever Increasing Lollipop Ladies


Registered User
Its like the yellow plague.

Why do we need them where there are already lights in place?

Why do they think I can stop absolutely instantly the second they step out in front of me?

Who decides where they are to be located?

(Yes I know there are Lollipop Men but not many.)
Its like the yellow plague.

Why do we need them where there are already lights in place?

Why do they think I can stop absolutely instantly the second they step out in front of me?

Who decides where they are to be located?

(Yes I know there are Lollipop Men but not many.)

This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, their job is to ensure that young kids get to school without being killed on the roads. Give them a break...

...and don't drive near schools in such a manner that you find it difficult to stop instantly.
Its not possible to stop instantly.

Even at the correct speeds for the road condition, some distance is required.

I'm not convinced all Lollipop people understand this.
Its not possible to stop instantly.

Even at the correct speeds for the road condition, some distance is required.

I'm not convinced all Lollipop people understand this.

The correct speed near a school is very, very slow. Kids don't have the common sense that adults have (or should have), so you have to drive as if the little buggers are all about to jump in front of you, because they probably are.

There is talk of lower speed limits near schools - I'd be in favour of that - and speed cameras to enforce it.
Actually the kids are sound, they are usually dragged out in front of you by the parent. Usually from between parents cars as well.

Most Lollipop people are fine but a few encounters have engaged the cold beady eye :eek:

I'm just wondering what legal basis they have for what they do and what training they receive - presumably none.

Ditto for the guys on the road works.
Don't know where you live Romulan, but anytime I'm driving within 500 meters of a school at start or end of day, the traffic jam is so bad that there is no need whatsoever to brake - literally bumper to bumper. That's why the lollipop people are there - just to allow the kids cross the road safely.
... I'm just wondering what legal basis they have for what they do and what training they receive - presumably none. ...
I dunno where the rest of ye live but around me most of the schools have them new hi-tech speed-limit signs with them flashy red leds around the outside and a 30kph limit.

Are these instead of the lolli-persons?

Yeah, I agree, the little-ones seem to have some road-sense. The ones to watch out for are the parents, usually (in their own minds at least) Yummies in their Templemore Tractors. They drag the twins, Livingstone and Lateesha, out into the road to the rear door furthest away from the kerb, strip them of their school and sports bags, which they then deposit in the boot, leaving both enormous off-side doors open and the poor twins very vulnerable.
... Ditto for the guys on the road works.
Anyone travelling into Naynagh, beware of the road-works guys at the Knockalton under-pass. Typically the guy nearest you will show the red side of his sign, but wave you on towards the guy furthest away from you, who will also be showing you the red side of his sign, meaning that traffic coming in the opposite direction sees the green side. :eek:

They sometimes have traffic lights, but they are either switched off or both sets flash amber.
I think the rules of the road say you must always approach pedestrian crossing lights at a speed which enables you to stop in time if the lights turn amber or red. Are you saying that one or some lollipop people you have experienced are not being safe in how they stop vehicles ? That they are not giving vehicles enough time to stop ? I have never thought this as to me they have always been very visible and safe.
you mustn't be a safe driver if your having this problem,maybe you need to do the test again or even the advanced test.
Its like the yellow plague.

Why do we need them where there are already lights in place?

We don't need them, as adults we are capable of doing what the lights tell us. The children coming out of school need them to show when they can cross safely.

Why do they think I can stop absolutely instantly the second they step out in front of me?

Any lolipop lady I've seen has always allowed plenty time and been very considerate. They will usually look for a break in traffic before stepping out. Sounds like you're driving much too fast near a school, I'm just glad you're one less speeding car near my school!

The primary responsibility of the lolipop lady/man is the children's safety. I agree with the posters who say the biggest culprits are usually the parents though, some of the things I've seen are enough to give me sleepless nights. All the lolipop ladies in the world won't keep Livingstone and Lateesha safe if mummy insists on parking across the predestrian crossing nose to tail with the rest of the inconsiderate...but ofcourse they need to drop their precious ones as close to school as possible so that they can get to work or coffee date on time...and heaven forbid their little ones would get a little bit wetter if they had to walk an extra 100 yards.

You mix inconsiderate parent parking with a speeding car and it's a recipe for disaster.

To the OP I would say, who cares about the legal rights of lolipop ladies? they are only trying to keep the children safe. Please slow down near schools, keep an eye open for the unexpected and be prepared to stop suddenly. Remember this is only a few seconds of your day...how would you feel if you had to live the rest of your life with a childs life on your conscience?
Legally you have to stop for School Traffic Wardens as they're called. Only they and the Gardai have the legal power to stop traffic.

I don't believe that construction workers can stop traffic to let trucks out of building sites etc but they may be allowed to stop traffic at roadworks.
Are they not meant to stick their lollies out before walking off the path?;):D
There is talk of lower speed limits near schools - I'd be in favour of that - and speed cameras to enforce it.

Great idea - so the cops can pull people for doing 25mph during the 23.5 hours of the day when there are no kids around :rolleyes:
Great idea - so the cops can pull people for doing 25mph during the 23.5 hours of the day when there are no kids around :rolleyes:
In fairness (see my previous post) the signs that I have seen are the lighty-up ones, LEDs I am told by those who know, and are only in force when the lighty things are lit.

Oh BTW, 30 kph = 18.64113 mph, approximately. :D
In fairness (see my previous post) the signs that I have seen are the lighty-up ones, LEDs I am told by those who know, and are only in force when the lighty things are lit.

Oh BTW, 30 kph = 18.64113 mph, approximately. :D

Indeed, but we all know what happens when speed cameras are installed in any given spot :(