Ever been to a good fundraiser?

sam h

Registered User
I'm looking for a few simple ideas for a fundraiser.....so I'm wondering if anyone have been to a really enjoyable one where is felt more like a enjoyable event / good night out rather than the organisers just trying to grab your money.

Feel free to tell me about the awful ones too (so I know what to avoid).

I just feel as if people should be able to support a cause & have a good time
We've organised a cook night in the past. You get four chefs from local hotels or restaurants (ours did it for free but we gave them a gift of €50). One of the big gas suppliers sponsored it and supplied a kitchen, gas and lots of big signs advertising themselves. :D

Hold it in a hotel with a bar, get a good compere (or two) and charge about €10 depending on where you live etc. Everyone had a ball, it was great craic.

The gas company installed the kitchen, the committee bought the bags of ingredients, sort of like "Ready, steady cook" and the chef's brought along the basic kitchen supplies. They only cooked enough for one or two. Committee did tickets and advertsing, organised the hotel and selected the lucky people who would assist the chefs. Two did starters, two did main course and the two winners had a "cook off" doing desert.

Hold a raffle at some point to boost the funds, I find the irish like a good raffle.
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I was involved in a slave auction once. It was a youth group so we auctioned off the kids to do tasks of their choosing, babysitting, cleaning, cooking, ironing, etc, I had my railings painted actually.
It was good fun and we raised a good bit of money.
been to two night at the greyhounds fundraisers. Great fun and as far as I know huge money makers