Evening Wedding Reception


Registered User
Getting married abroad next year but want to have a reception back home then also. Just wondering do hotels rent out rooms for this - (just want finger food)? Also how much are we talking?
Anyone's experience greatly welcome!
Hotels do this but try to avoid the word wedding as they bump up the cost. Just say you want to have a party with finger food. Price, in Dublin city anyway, ranges from €400 - €1200 for room hire and between around €25 and €55 per head for finger food. I can pm you with details of specific hotels and their costs if you're interested (2007 prices and I've been told to add another 10% for 2008 prices).
at 55 per head for finger food you would be better off having a meal

But then you have the hassle of seating plans, long meal, less time for dancing etc. given that the evening reception would start at around 7 or 8pm.
Agreed with cahir, those are the realistic prices for any decent venues. You could go buffet though which is the middle ground between 5 courses and rubbery nuggets. Ive been at a couple of those over the last few months, not as comprehensive as a full meal but youre usually not at the mercy of the deep fat fryer either so might be a better option.
Thanks dear enough was just going to go for wedges and nuggets - rubbery I know!
Cahir would you PM please would appreciate that.
Thanks for all replies!
But then you have the hassle of seating plans, long meal, less time for dancing etc. given that the evening reception would start at around 7 or 8pm.

Don't have a seating plan. Depending on the layout of the venue, the band could be setting up as the meal was finishing. It would reduce waiting time.
Don't have a seating plan. Depending on the layout of the venue, the band could be setting up as the meal was finishing. It would reduce waiting time.

Might work if you're having a band but still eats into the dancing time for the night.

Pm sent to shkyler.