Eurovision England In How


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We have a query in work this morning, we are wondering how england are through yet they never got picked last night. some are saying it is because they got points last year and some seem to think they got no points last year. is it the same with france and germany.
I thought the host country paid the bills and the UK got in because they got enough points last time to qualify automatically this time.
how shockingingly cheesy was joe/joseph!! - like a round up yo-yo swimming in his first pair of levis!!.......bring back logan!!.....what's another year? embarrassment!!!
Ah yes, "Your a Star".
If ever there was an example of how stupid the public are, (or at least the 13 year old girls that do phone-in votes for a c**p TV show) then this is it.
The whole thing is a scathing indictment of the taste and intellect of the Irish people.
Thank God we have limited the international exposure that that pair of twats would have given us.
You're a star is a joke alright...but then it is for the Eurovision which I personally believe we still take too seriously.

I don't think I've ever seen such a sorry pair as the two kids who represented us last night...but then judging by some of the other acts they had good company.

We should be proud of not making the finals and if we do make them be even prouder at not getting any points.

My lovely horse is what this country needs

P.S...if we really want to win the damn thing again we should probably stop letting 13 year old girls (as Purple puts it) pick our contestants.
Think the 5 biggest EBU(European Broadcasting Union) contribiturs get automatic entry
whats the text number for my lovely horse? can we get a campaign going?

My lovely horse, running through the field
Where are you going, with your fetlocks blowing in the wind?

I want to shower you with sugar lumps, and ride you over fences
Polish your hooves every single day, and bring you to the horse dentist

Pure genius
"Now the bigger question is when will RTE give up on the cash cow that is "Your a star" and go back to the more successful method of picking entrants???"

I think it proves the old adage "if it aint broke don't fix it"
In the late nineties RTE was generally regarded as being old staid and stuffy, remember glenroe continuing years after its natural life had run its course, it was sticking to a tried and trusted formula and was refusing to change. Then all of a sudden they realised that they were losing out to the "big brothers" and the "ibiza uncovered" in multichannel land. I think panic then set in and they tried to change everything at once throwing out the proverbial "baby with the bath water". They recruited a load of young pretty airheads and the result is "your a star" "cabinfever" "amanda brunker's confessions" etc etc. In general RTEs light entertainment department is now lamentable because they didn't recruit anyone with talent. However I believe that in current affairs and documentaries RTE has improved considerably and is doing very well in this area.
Hey Hamlet,

My lovely horse ...... classic ! I'm with you there how about me and you meet up to discuss spearheading the campaign !! I'm a keen rider !! Love horses
I thought they were nice kids. They didnt embarrass me, I thought they did well, and tried their best. And they were far better than some of the bland barbies and kens that were on that stage. And as far as the actual songs went, I thought theirs deserved to qualify - the competition wasnt so great. I mean, NORWAY qualified! And FYR Macedonia- myself and Mr.V were in stitches at their backing dancers, especially the two guys in the back. I think the reason we didnt qualify is the way the voting has changed, with all the eastern european countries voting for each other...
Why do we blame the fact that we get don't votes anymore on political voting?

Why do people believe we won it so many times?

We have never had a war with anyone in Europe or never fallen out with anyone except the British

(And to be honest they don't even realise that we had
As Alan Hansen put it (albeit talking about Scotish/English relations)
"You don't really like us but we hate you")

We have been getting votes for years as we were by far the least annoying or controversial country in Europe, the "poor eejit farmers"

Now that people don't vote for us now, all of a sudden it is political voting
I think what people mean about the voting is that Eastern Europe is much bigger than Ireland and the countries that make it up have much more voting power. Also, due to the history of Eastern Europe they are likely to be voting for each other. I'm sure the same people that voted for us in the past are still voting for us. Also with the countries that are new to the competition there is a novelty factor, Ireland have won so many times there really is very limited interest in the competition.
Its just an opinion, but I do believe that the eastern countries are voting for each other more, and with the difference in population levels there and in our country, we have very little chance of winning again. I'm sure I could be completely wrong, but my opinion is that many of the songs that won were either on a par with or worse than ours. But sure its all subjective anyway.
It puzzles me when people say all the Baltic countries voted for each other, being neighbours. If memory serves, we hardle ever voted for the UK. To be fair, the UK frequently gave us some points.