European Parliament Elections

A lot of the leaflets just arrived today.

Clare Daly has a photo of herself smiling. Totally misleading.

Niall Boylan will stand up to climate alarmism in Europe.

Someone called Eamon Murphy has a picture of himself shaking hands with Mother Teresa

Malachy Steenson wants to scrap the Housing Associations and wants to cull the 33,000 NGOs who cost our people €6.5 billion a year.
A lot of the leaflets just arrived today.

Clare Daly has a photo of herself smiling. Totally misleading.
Niall Boylan will stand up to climate alarmism in Europe.
Good man Niall. Never let the facts get in the way of a bit to alarmism about alarmism.
Someone called Eamon Murphy has a picture of himself shaking hands with Mother Teresa
If it's a recent photo then I'm impressed.
Malachy Steenson wants to scrap the Housing Associations and wants to cull the 33,000 NGOs who cost our people €6.5 billion a year.
And the State will then provide those services directly, employing 50,000 people, at a cost of €10 billion a year...
Malachy seems confused about the role of an MEP if he is planning to do that from Brussels... is also standing for election to Dublin City Council and a quick google of his name appears synonymous with "anti immigration protests".
Are there any parties against illegal immigration (AS making bogus claims) but who are for legal migration (EU migration, non-EU on work visas)?

What I don't like about these new, small nationalist parties is that they seem to be against all immigration, not just the illegal immigration.
In 2023 Eurostat reported that there were 2.8 illegal migrants in Ireland per 1000 people. That's around 14,000 in the whole country, one of the lowest rates in Europe.
The issue is the number of people seeking international protection orders here.
There are around 30,000 International Protection applicants being housed at the moment.
There are an additional 70,000 Ukrainians also being processed and accommodated.

In any given year tens of thousands of people leave and arrive in the country. In the year up to April 2023 142,000 people arrived here and 64,000 left. That's a sign of a healthy economy and a successful county (people leave unsuccessful ones, like this one was until quite recently).

20% of the population are immigrants but only 16% of the population are non-Irish citizens so 20% of that 20% are naturalised citizens.
I wonder if the populist ethno-nationalists are aware off the details.

I also have an issue with describing the nutters as right wing. They certainly don't have right of centre economic policies and the far left has a long history of racism, bigotry and homophobia. I can't see these jokers being in favour of cutting welfare, reducing marginal income tax rates, increasing prison sentences and other things that are, you know, right wing.
@Brendan Burgess

Interesting that the odds from the bookmakers show Independent Ireland as willing 2 seats, Boylan in Dublin and Mullooly in Midlands-North-West with Punch lying 6th in South with 5 seats.

That would be a stunning performance if it actually happened. Do the bookies know something we don't, or are they just lazy/uninformed.

It is difficult to see if these are an extremist party (taking Purple's point) or just willing to be seen in that light. They are not as obvious as the other 4 yet a lot of the imaging tends in that direction, with Boylan seeming the most extreme.

The name is definitely trying to tell us something.
What I don't like about these new, small nationalist parties is that they seem to be against all immigration, not just the illegal immigration.
These guys have one issue and their stance on those issues is invariably uninformed.

You would probably find that their knowledge of how the EU parliament works wouldn’t stand up to much questioning as consequentially would how they would go about achieving whatever it is they want to achieve.
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And yet, I would be 99% certain that each and every one of them has a friend or a family member who has or is working overseas. The sheer confusion on their faces when they called to my door and I told them I'd been an economic refugee in the past, living in the UK and sleeping on a couch in the 90s until I got the start was priceless. "but but that's different" was the response I got. Then I asked them what their policy around the undocumented Irish in the US and did they believe they should all be arrested and deported or jailed-tumbleweed. And then I asked one of them why was he wearing a top of a foreign football team. He looked bemused and said "it's Celtic". Exactly, was my response.

you can have a lot of fun winding these guys up when they call, quite entertaining sometimes

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Available in over 20 languages, EU&I is an online tool which invites users to react to 30 policy statements covering a wide range of relevant issues in European politics. The results show which parties stand closest to their preferences, both in their country and all across Europe.
The Indo survey puts FG ahead in all three constituencies

I don't see Niall Boylan getting elected on these figures unless all the small anti-immigrant candidates transfer to him?
Brid Smith will transfer to Clare Daly and she should get elected.

Unless Cuffe or O'Riordáin gets transfers to go ahead of Daly and Boylan.


I suppose it's hard to predict with so many candidates. The top 5 candidates get only 49% of the vote.

This website shows the activities of MEPs in the European Parliament.

This is Claire Daly’s profile, but you may select any MEP.

It shows, inter alia, main and other parliament activities, sessions and meetings they have attended including their contributions, written explanations of votes, latest activities, etc.
From last nights debate.

Andrews to Daly:

"You should think more about Crumlin and not the Kremlin"

That was an absolute zinger and it's what people will remember when ticking boxes on Friday....not all granted but a lot of undecided.
Is it possible for a parent to vote on behalf of a son , who will be away on polling day..
Absolutely not unless you want to risk up to a year in jail. It is possible in some cases to register for a postal vote, but far too late to be added now.
Thanks for that Leo. I would rather eat porridge in comfort
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