European Parliament Elections

Another idealistic young person putting himself out there. Respect. Peace, wellbeing and social justice are his thing. Unlike some others he is actually campaigning. Might be worth a 1st preference, he is likely to be eliminated early so your vote will transfer.

Graham de Barra​


Another worthy, running as a member of a political party rather than an independent. 'issues like disability, climate action, migrant rights and housing,'

I hate to be cynical about these things, but the above looks like the modern version of 'motherhood and apple pie'

Where people like this run as independents I think they are wasting their time, and my vote. When they join parties, I respect their seriousness, but immediately associate them with that parties failings, and the Soc Dems have many, not least their origins in a hissy fit when Roisín Shorthall was faced with real political power.

Susan Doyle​


Social Democrats
An older maler, more overweight version of the young idealists. It's like looking in a mirror. Geopolitical awareness, farming sensibility. Unlikely to poll well.

Christopher VS Doyle​


Ran as an independent in the 2016 general election, that's good. Thinks loss of sovereignty is the biggest issue. Come on Mary keep up.

Mary Fitzgibbon​


The main SF candidate in this election. A sitting TD. She seems serious and effective.

Kathleen Funchion​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

Sinn Féin
The other SF candidate. From Limerick to balance out Kathleen who is from Carlow Kilkenny.

Paul Gavan​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

Sinn Féin
Like the Labour candidate in Midlands-North-West she teaches teachers. Seems a little more accomplished but another indication of the weakness of the Labour Party that between the two constituencies they cannot muster a serious established politician to run.

Niamh Hourigan​

Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats​

Labour Party
Sitting FF MEP likely to be reelected. A serious FF candidate, you know what you get.

Billy Kelleher​

Renew Europe Group​

Fianna Fáil
Sitting FG MEP. With Ming by far the most successful of the existing MEPs. Will top the poll and deservedly so.

Seán Kelly​

European People’s Party​

Fine Gael
Has been charged with protesting against libraries. Next

Ross Lahive​


The Irish People
I have been looking at these fringe right wing parties as part of these posts, and if you want that sort of thing this Irish Freedom Party seems the best of them. I cannot see that they have been involved in any violent protest, they don't seem to go about accusing people they don't like of being pedophiles, they are not overtly racist, some of their candidates have a reasonable record of accomplishment. Micheal served as president of the Ennis Chamber of Commerce and was also a board member of An Bord Pleanála from 2012 to 2017

Michael Leahy​


Irish Freedom Party
Socially conservative, he campaigned No No in the March referenda. Economically statist, he voted against the Sale of Aer Lingus shares. Was a Labour TD, is an Independent TD. A much more accomplished politician than any Labour candidate outside Dublin. Probably only running to keep his name in the public eye for the next General Election.

Michael McNamara​


Campaigned No No as well. Which is okay, but she also joined anti-lockdown protests which doesn't impress me much. A barrister who specialises in Refugee and Mental Health law.

Una McGurk​


The other FG candidate. A businessman from Cork.

John Mullins​

European People’s Party​

Fine Gael
A fisheries campaigner from Cork. One of the fishermen who saw off the Russian ships last year. A better back story than being a lecturer I suppose.

Patrick Murphy​


FF celebrity candidate. Though there seems a little more substance to her than the FG equivalent.

Cynthia Ní Mhurchú​

Renew Europe Group​

Fianna Fáil
Sitting Green MEP. It will be interesting to see how she fares. She is not as farmer repellant as most Greens. Another who has made use of being an MEP.

Grace O'Sullivan​

Group of the Greens/European Free Alliance​

Green Party
No idea, why did he pay the deposit if he wasn't going to campaign.

Ciaran O'Riordan​


Independent Ireland is a part that is not a party (or maybe the other way around). Are they another bunch of right wing nutters ? Well the Dublin candidate would seem to suggest that they are. Ciaran Mullooly in Midlands-North West and Eddie Punch here seem more serious.

Eddie here is a former General Secretary of the Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association (ICSA), leverages over 25 years of experience in agricultural advocacy and European policy negotiation. Which seems reasonable background to campaign from.

Eddie Punch​


Independent Ireland
Formerly a Limerick city councillor. People before profit, you know yourself.

Cian Prendiville​

The Left in the European Parliament – GUE/NGL​

People Before Profit