European breakdown assistance?


Registered User
Going to France soon as want to make sure we are covered well for any problems we may have with the car while over there... Looking at some policies like and they only cover up to 750 euro per trip, surely it would cost more than that to get the car home to Ireland in the event it cant be fixed?? Im worried if worst came to worst we wouldnt have enough in that to cover the car beeing brought home and us being put up somewhere for a few nights !

ANyone recommend a good company??
Check out Europ Assistance - they might be cheaper through Britanny Ferries but shop around first.

Thansk Breakdabank. but they only cover UK residents its says even though it mentions Ireland...

I looked at but they wont cover cost of car hire back to Dublin from Rosslare ferry should the car need to be repatriated to Ireland from France... so we'd be stuck in Rosslare!
Three years ago, en route to Switzerland, we decided to take out AA5* while passing through London. Thankfully. A problem with the car's computer and it came to a full stop adjacent to a field of ripe Maize in southern Germany on a Sunday afternoon. I rang up the hotline and was put in contact with a mechanic who lived 20 mins away. He transported us to his garage and told us to wait in the restaurant across the road. We ate a leisurely lunch and went for a walk afterwards. Four hours and all was well. He gave a breakdown (with photos) and I paid him with one of these AA special cheques. An excellent service, I forget the cost but I remember that it was fantastic value.