Euro vs US Dollar


Registered User
Any currency expert out there with a view on the euro vs dollar movements over the next 5 year period?

Is the dollar going to recover appreciably in the next five years?

Leaving aside all other considerations for the moment, I am trying to anticipate a good time to sell US property purchased previously - from the currency perspective only.

See current 5 year record movement here
[broken link removed]


I doubt anyone knows for sure. On the fundamentals like trade and budget deficits the dollar should probably be even worse than it is now however its use as a reserve currency has propped it up somewhat. Whether foreign investors continue to hold dollars is down a lot to their sentiment and is very hard to call.
I would never bet on currency fluctuations, unkike shares, they can be manipulated by governments, and I would never hold out much hope for which direction it can go.

Mugs game really!