euphony bill threat: What is debt collection?


Registered User
Back in August I switched my phone provider from Euphony to BT and contacted Euphony to tell them this. I paid up my last bill in full but have since been sent 2 more bills which don't have any phone calls (as I've switched to BT) but are looking for the cost of their monthly package. I've contacted them several times to explain that I'd changed over and have no intention to pay for something that I never had the benefit of. However, they keep sending me letters alluding to calling in debt collection, what is debt collection and how can they bill for something where no good or service was provided.
Your 'stuck in the system'. The letters you receive are just produced from one of their computers. How did you contact them? was it in writing?

Forget about phoning them, this is unlikely to achieve much. Get the name of a head in the billing department, and write to them. Threaten them with conreg as well - 'if this issue isn't resolved immediately, I'm contacting comreg'

'Debt collection' is when they sell the debt to a third party.
Send registered as well if you have a specific persons name. That can sometimes for a response, or at least a different response to "duh!! what letter??"
Came across this with other peopl before wrt Euphony... you are supposed to notify them in writing.... as far as I would be concerned, an email would be sufficient to cover that.

Surely the fact that they stopped billing me for calls made indicates that they received my cancellation and did everything else except remove me from their automated billing process.
I don't think that it workds like that..... remember, they did not stop billing you for calls.....your new service provider made the change that stopped calls being routed to Euphony.. as far as Euphony are concerned, they are still providing the free call service to you (€5/€10 per month)....whether you elect to use it or not.

Look at it this way...if you use SKY & switch over to NTL but don't bother to notify Sky then they'll keep billing you whether you have the SKY box on or not.

SKY/NTL are not the same thing you can have an account with both independently of each other whereas for your phone account its not just me that contacted Euphony to cancel the contract. As far as I'm aware your new service provider (BT in my case) also contact them with proof of authorisation to take over billing for phone calls. Either way no service was provided as how can you provide a phone service to someone who is no longer using your system.
If they can sell your debt to someone else (and for less than you owe - I'll warrant) why can't you buy it :D
quarterfloun said:
If they can sell your debt to someone else (and for less than you owe - I'll warrant) why can't you buy it :D

Why not indeed? And considering the people buying the debt are buying it at a discounted price, why can't we get this discount on paying the bills in the first place?:)