EUFA Not Lifting Champions League Final Suspensions - Unbelievable!!!!!!

I'm amazed they won't have a 5th official reviewing incidents on tv.

I can't take any more of the likes of Drogba rolling around the ground in agony with a broken boot lace!

He would soon stop that if at the time the fifth official brought a previous incident to the ref's attention and one of his team mates was sent off,Drogba
and Ronaldo detract from the teams achievements and tarnish their teams record

But Drogba is a clown and should get a yellow card as soon a he sets foot on the pitch

You really believe that because a team 'falls over' as you put it, that has one tem a league and put them in the final?
Tell me which United players are responsible for this weekly act of conning the ref?
Sorry mick but you said there that you dont think teams that cheat the most end up on top. What was your first post about so!!!
Sorry mick but you said there that you dont think teams that cheat the most end up on top. What was your first post about so!!!

My first post says nothing about the teams that cheat the most end up on top

Not here
The link between the diving and cheating and UEFA is that it has put Man U in the final of the CL
Which would probaly read better out of context as
The link between the diving and cheating and UEFA is that it has put Man U in the final of the CL,thus having them appeal to UEFA
Or here
Fletcher plays for a team that is there because of it.
Cheating effects games so therefore results,some teams cheat more than others,so even if you said that Man U never cheat(Though I have on good authority from their supporters on this thread that they do ),they
could still be in the final because of it,because it alters results

I hope that makes it clearer.

Confused? I will try to simplify it even more.There is a Knock out tournament
team A cheats and is awarded a penalty the other team B is out.
They win 2 more games against C and D through cheating.
Then they meet Team E who cheats as well and team E wins from a free kick.
(So now we have A B C D teams out,B C D of which do not cheat and who are more skilled)
In the semi final the cheating team E does not get an opportunity to get an advantage through their cheating,and are beaten by team F who do not cheat
Team F are in the final.
Team F could have been beatenby B C D but we can not know because they were put out by cheating.
Team F are in the Final because they did not meet B C or D because they were put out by cheating.
Therefore Team F are in the final because of cheating.

There are other Statments that can be made from that examples but it might confuse you again.
That I think is as simple as I can put it,but if I can be of any more help in explaining any other aspects of this I will
I've got a better one:

A seemingly insane poster wastes electricity posting complete and utter drivel about cheating and destiny.
The ESB have to increase output to compensate.
The extra heat dissipated in the national grid affects local weather patterns.
As a result of a gust of wind that should not have been, a startled butterfly lets a fart.
Chaos theory kicks in and there's now a storm over Rome next Wednesday.
A gust of wind displaces the ball just as Ronaldo is taking a penalty in a shoot-out. (The dire weather ruined the game as a spectacle, resulting in a boring 0-0 after 90 mins).
Barcelona end up winning.

Hope you're happy now.

I need a drink after reading that!

Barcelona won.

That's great good news

On your first section 'I agree !00% what you posted there is complete and utter drivel, but you spoiled it by letting us know in the first line.

On the last bit
Thanks for asking about my happiness that's very kind,and can report that I am very well,and happy but this is more suited for the shooting the Breeze section.Also your worry s about your mental health can not be discussed either.
.It is great that Football has such a wide fan base because I seem to have stumbled accross the ''I can't think for myself but I can laugh group ''
So you probably will be splitting your sides with laughter when Man u and Barca come on and fall around for 90 mins to the cheers of thousands of brain washed deluded disciples,wearing their compulsory uniform that they have been told to wear by their high priests,rather than the fleece that sheep normally wear,and chuckle with glee as their pantomine comes to a end,and the charactors in this wimsey manage to hold themself upright for long enough to recieve their clown badges and the cup of comedy and prean and pose like latter day gladiators,(all the time hoping that the assembled mass never get the ability to think or question for themselves) and then watch the WWF champions final and clap with mad frenzy as two men pretend to battle each other and one is crowned champion of the Universe then smile yourself to sleep totally pleased with the amazing comedy spectacle you have watched.

I on the other hand will see it for what it is two teams that are in a final because of cheating .
