EU Reform Treaty booklet, issues . .


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One of these booklets came through my door yesterday. I read it twice. It's not clear who sent it but I think it's the Dept. of Foreign Affairs rather than the Referendum Commission. It seems to be entirely pro-Treaty, but it contains contradictions, deliberately woolly language and misdirection. They seem to have steadfastly swerved the opportunity to produce a plain English, honest summary of the Treaty, one detailing pros and cons.
This obfuscation appears to be part of a intentional strategy - if the public can't question the Treaty or form their own opinions, they will by default will just row in with the mainstream political parties who are all urging a Yes vote.
This obfuscation appears to be part of a intentional strategy . .
One example (from very many) of this is the last paragraph on page 20 under The Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP); it states . .

"The Reform Treaty also addresses ways to improve the capabilities to be provided by Member States to fulfil the civil and military crisis management tasks the Union may undertake."

Remember, this is from the explanatory booklet send to every house to explain the treaty, supposedly, in simple, unambiguous language. If they really intended to be straight-up with the public the would simply have stated that 'The Reform Treaty does commit Ireland to military spending'.