EU National with non-Eu national partner


Registered User
I've been trying for more than one week to get in touch with the Irish immigration authorities, but the lines are constantly jammed.

Does anyone know if an EU national can come to work/live in Ireland if his wife is Asian? Does she need a visa?

[broken link removed]?
Post crossed with Newby's.
It alll sounds so simple above...

As far as I am aware, your spouse will need to apply for a Spouse Visa (D type) which can take 8 weeks or so. You may have to be registered here first. When she gets here, she will need to register with the Gardai to get a Stamp 4 visa in order to work.

I went through this process as an Irish national married to non-EU, apparently being an EU national (i.e. not Irish) married to non-EU extends the time for all the processes.