etoll and non-Irish cars - help me settle an argument


Registered User
Does anyone know what the definitive situation is regarding cars registered outside RoI and the M50 toll?

Was involved in a discussion over the weekend where it was said that no one with an NI-reg car will get billed for the toll because these cars are all registered to 'foreign' addresses and can't be traced. It was also claimed that people in NI are being sent bills and fines and they're subject to the same rules as here and can be prosecuted the same. No one tho was really sure or could quote specific examples.

I've researched it a bit today, and see that the NRA say in their eflow FAQ that they have 'access to the DVLA' in NI and there's an international debt collection agency being put in place to follow up the fines.

But what does this 'access' mean? Are they sharing details? Does this mean that I'll get a bill here for a parking fine should I incur one up north cos they share my details too?

What's done when the car is registered in the UK or somewhere on the continent? Do they share details with - for example - Polish authorities?

Of course, everyone should be paying what they're supposed to pay and it doesn't really amount to a hill of beans, but the issue of how to extract payment from people who live outside the jurisdiction seems poorly explained and vague. If anyone can shed any light on it then I'll look v.knowledgeable in front of my mates.
From trawling a few websites: It's not the NRA who have access to the DVLA, but I believe the debt collection agency has the agreements with the 'dvla' and other uk/european equivalents to get owner and address details to allow them to chase the debt built up by toll non-payers.

I guess the NRA just pass on registrations to the agency for vehicles which have not paid.
i live in newry and have received bills and photo of car for m50 in post for vehicle i sold 6 months ago. i forwarded copy of change of ownership - end of story.
my sister lives in dundalk with southern reg car - she got parking fine from newry so registration details are shared.