ETF's that are based in euros rather than dollars?


Registered User

I'm new to investing in ETF's and I'm aware that the US dollar may weaken further over the next fews years, so basically I would prefer not to invest in ETF's that are US dollar based.

I'm specifically interested in ETF's that track commodities e.g. DBA and UWG. My question: Are there ETF's that track commodities that are Euro or Swiss franc based?

I do not think it matters what currency is used for the commodity fund.

Imagine 1 ton of copper today costs $50000 dollars which equates to 30000euro
1 year later, assume dollar halves in value but copper stays same
Sell 1 ton of copper is still worth 30000euro which now equates to $100000

so the concern is with the rise and fall of copper rather than the dollar. (or am I missing something?)

Disclaimer - no idea of price of copper
Most if not all commodity prices are based in US Dollars. Therefore are you willing to take a punt on the commodity but not on the exchange rate ??
Most commodities are quoted in US$, but are tradable and priced in all currencies. Buying a commodity will protect you from currency risk to an extent. What you want to avoid is any equities that are heavily reliant on the US market and economy, in order to avoid currency risk.
iShares and PowerShares are two of the largest EU based EFT providers. Check out their websites, as they will have information on the individual EFTs they offer, including the base currency.