Estimated cost for major renovation project...


Registered User
Hi everyone,
I am looking with great interest at the moment at a 3-bed terrace house, approx. 89 sq mt, that requires major work. However, i see it's hidden potential (!) but hav NO idea as to how much it could cost to get it up to scratch. At the moment it is uninhabitable.

It would almost certainly require:

Replastering in every room,
Installation of GFCH,
A new kitchen (hello IKEA!),
A new bathroom (again, from IKEA),
New windows (double glazed),
A new front door,
New interior doors,
I would guess exterior, attic and some interior insulation,
New flooring throughout,
Aesthetic work- painting & decorating,
A single story extension to enlarge the small kitchen,
A wall opened up between two downstairs rooms and french doors fitted,
New skirting boards,
Some slate replacement on the roof....

So basically a lot of work. We would be on a budget and could do some of the work ourselves and would know enough people in the trades to get a lot of the work done as nixers for a few quid less.

I think i have a completely unrealistic budget it mind but shall keep that to myself until i am informed exactly how wrong (or right, please God!!!) i am...

So my Q is how much do you think the above could cost (approx)???

It wouldnt be necessary to do all of the work straight away or before we moved in and, naturally, some of the more frivilous work could wait until we were better off financially.

Thanks for your help!
Hi Squirms,

Its great to see someone pushing ahead with work like this - well done.

However the reason you are asking us seems to be because you appear not to have appointed a building professional to advise you.
I'm also guessing you haven't had the house properly inspected yet, and hidden defects relating to settlement, damp, settlement, service, structures, rot, gutters and drainage could all blow your budget out of the water.

Without narrowing it down with a proper investigation, including limited opening up where required, a specification, and an indication of the extension, the base work will range from €50,000 to €150,000 and you can add another €50,000 to €100,000 depending on the size and quality of the extension.

So you could do the lot for €100,000 including some repairs and an extension, but it could end up costing €250,000 if everything went to hell in a handbasket.

That's for the work, only, excluding professional fees - without more detailed information its impossible to be more accurate, but be very wary of some genius who will offer to do the lot for €50,000 - this is time and materials work and you haven't inspected yet.

And be absolutely certain you get the work certified and carried out by people who are competent and reliable - I'd suggest a minimum of three prices and to get these you will need drawings and a detailed specification - so IMO you need an architect with experience of house inspections.

I don't offer this cost a anything other than ranks speculations and a good condition house with a trouble free extension programme of works could cost less, but not that much less - happy to be proved wrong BTW.


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All advice on AAM is remote from the situation and cannot be relied upon as a defence or support - in and of itself - should legal action be taken.
Competent legal and building professionals should be asked to advise in Real Life with rights to inspect and issue reports on the matters at hand.