Estates in Malahide

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Hi New2Dublin,

I agree with you - am also moving to Waterside next week from swords and am looking forward to it. We had bidded on a house in seabury and it reached the late 500's so we dropped out - this was on a house that needed complete refubishment. Now we dont need to pay stamp duty on waterside as its a new house. I think for the sake of being a bit further out it worth the money. We were also told that there will be shops going up in waterside which will be handy. We have also bought a 3 bed and are actually down sizing from where we are now cos the location I think is better in waterside.
Well I thought I would write and glout to alot of the negative people on here - there are 3 Bed Duplexs selling in excess of €480K reslaes, and 3 Bed House €490K+ - resale - obviously the whole Malahide/ Swords debate has no bearing on the number of people who want to live on Waterside - these have gone up in excess of 100K since I have been here which is since June 2005.

So many people cannot be wrong we are talking of hundreds of units with none left they are selling currently the next phase 2 bed duplex for €465+ so as the saying goes "Money Talks and Bulls**t Walks", and the moneys talking!!

Yes I heard Swords was on the up and up! Well done!
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