Estates in Kinsealy


Money Penny

Hey there
I am new to all this but was wondering what Kinsealy is like as an area to live in? I am hoping to buy there as its close to Malahide and all its amenities and have around 400k to spend.
Would really appreciate some feedback?
I'm not sure what your requirements are but for 400k, you could probably do better I think. It's a nice enough spot, but it's not actually that close to Malahide and you'd need a car to go anywhere. It's also quite cut off at the minute and bus service is not good. Just my opinion, but for that money, I'd want a more convenient location.
I have a max of 400 but probably will spend about 380. I dont want an apartment so will be looking for a 3 bed semi. Is Kinsealy rough? Where else would you consider a nice area around fingal?
I live in Portmarnock, so am sort of familiar with Kinsealy.

Do you work in the city centre? If so, I'd say the best option is to commute to Malahide or Portmarnock and get the DART. Kinsealy is convenient to both (very hard to get parking in Malahide, more parking in Portmarnock, but fills up very quickly, and don't even think about parking in a development near the DART!), and you may even be able to get a bus to a station. Alternatively, you can get the bus directly to town, but it's a bit of a hike.

I wouldn't consider Kinsealy as rough.

Plenty of amenities nearby, although you do need a car.

You would do well to get a house for €380,000 in many other places in Fingal.
Kinsealy is a lovely area and not rough AFAIK. However the main failing of Kinsealy IMHO is the lack of social centre. Old Kinsealy is located on the main Malahide Road and is denoted by the St Nicholas of Myra Church. New Kinsealy is located on the way into Swords and the centre has a couple of run down shops and take aways. Realistically new Kinsealy is actually closer to Swords than Malahide.
If you have a family are are planning one as far as I know there is no secondary school in the direct Kinsealy area and children travel as far as Howth & city centre to go to secondary school, although Malahide Community School and Swords Community Schools are closer.
Also bear in mind as CCovich quite rightly pointed out, there is no rail service to Kinsealy and most residents commute to Malahide or Portmarnock to get the DART/Diesel to the city centre. I know of at least 2 people who originally moved to Kinsealy and are now looking to move closer to the rail line to reduce their commute.
Kinsealy is a beautiful area and there are some lovely family homes to be had at great value at the moment and there is an awful lot to be said for that!
Hi Money Penny
We have a house in Kinsealy that we will sell you for 380 if you want :) . We are selling our house at the moment and there is alot of interest in it so fingers cross it will go soon mostly first time buyers looking to start off. We lived there for over 8 yrs and its a nice area. The only down side is the 43 bus route. The small shop and pub, chipper etc are grand they are been cleaned up and the estate is not rough at all we had no trouble for all our time there. The only downside as I said is trafficand the 43 bus, we worked in town so we would have to get the 7.25 bus to be sure we were in town for work at 9. coming home in the evening was ok but to get to work and back it would take over 2 and thats if bus were on time. if you have cars you should be ok my only problem was just a very bad bus route now they might change that with all the house going up in the area but as of last week that hadn't changed bus was late. good luck with your hunt
For under 350, you could get a good 3 bed semi in Swords, which has a better bus service than Kinsealy and may eventually get a metro service or if you stretch closer to 400, you could get one in the Dublin 11 part of Glasnevin, which is a lot more accessible to the city. However, I'm not sure if city centre access is essential for you? Also, Marino, and Baldoyle/Bayside/Sutton should have what you're looking for, but for close to 400. What are your precise requirements? Not everyone needs to be as close to the city centre as I like to be.
Thanks so much for the replies. I visited Kinsealy today. Does the village just consist of the kinsealy inn and the shops around there? It really does look run down with the graffiti on the walls etc. I was expecting a nice enough village.
Money Penny said:
Thanks so much for the replies. I visited Kinsealy today. Does the village just consist of the kinsealy inn and the shops around there? It really does look run down with the graffiti on the walls etc. I was expecting a nice enough village.

Kinsealy isin't a village and never was,it was a housing estate built from scratch.Ah i remember when it was only fields :) ,Swords and Malahide are the two villages.
That's your lot tbh. Old Kinsealy is far more rural but then again there are no shops to speak of apart from the garden centre and the petrol station.
There are some new facilities being built in the Drynam Hall estate. A creche,Medical Centre and couple of shops.These will be complete in the next month or so.There is also a new Playground going in just in front of these shops. The shopping facility that you visited is being updated at the moment with huge EuroSpar nearing completion and the Kinsealy Inn has planning permission in to extend upwards. It really looks like this area will take off in the next couple of Years.

The access to the N1 motor way has also recently opend of Drinan.

The araea does need the transport links updated with the 43 only running every 40 mins or so but it also runs as a night link which is handy.

If you drive your 5 mins from Malahide Castle and 10 oR so from the Village 5 mins from the Pavilions in Swords.

I believe there are big plans for Charlies Land to be turned in a Golf Course also.

I'm only there a year or so with the GF and Son but I'm loving it.
I bought in Gorse Hill last year. Theres plans to build a school and a shopping area similar to applewood, minus the pub. I havent moved in yet but would agree with above posts on transport.
yeah my brother bought out that direction and have often heard him complain about the bus service to town . think there has been some sort of improvement recently .

with regard to a new "applewood" type village , when it this likely to be built / ready ? is there anywhere i might be able to get further information on this ?
I cant remember what start date was mentioned to me but if the delay on the apts is anything to go by it'll be a long wait. The selling agent had shown me the proposed location on map the last time I was out in the showhouses. You should be able to get more info in the town hall in swords village.
Hey there
I am new to all this but was wondering what Kinsealy is like as an area to live in? I am hoping to buy there as its close to Malahide and all its amenities and have around 400k to spend.
Would really appreciate some feedback?
Hi, I am a resident of Kinsealy, and I note that a lot of your replies are dealing with Drynam, feltrim and Swords. There is an estate in Drynam called Kinsealy Court and a Pub called The Kinsealy Inn. However, they are not near Kinsealy at all, in fact they are close to the town of Swords. I also noticed someone mention Old Kinsealy and New Kinsealy - Sorry no such place. Kinsealy is a small rural area of approx. 90 houses and several farms, It is located 2/3 miles from Malahide Village, we have a Chapel and a phone box and that is it. There is currently a small development of 52 homes being built close to the chapel and they are costing Euro 550K to 700K, so your 400K budget is a little low. I am an old resident of this area and would be happy to answer any other questions that you have. Please be sure that you are in fact inquiring about Kinsealy,Malahide and not Drynam or Feltrem in Swords
There is only one Kinsealy, no such place as new kinsealy you must be talking about ~ Drynam or Feltrem. Kinsealy Court and The Kinsealy Inn are located in Drynam
Drynam Hall off the Feltrim road is offically adressed as 'Kinsealy'.
Barbara ann, you may have lived in the small rural village of Kinsealy for a long time, but you must accept that Kinsealy is now spreading and growing, and will continue to do so. areas which used not to be considered Kinsealy, are now.
There is only one Kinsealy, no such place as new kinsealy you must be talking about ~ Drynam or Feltrem. Kinsealy Court and The Kinsealy Inn are located in Drynam

You're wrong Kinsealy Court and The Kinsealy Inn have never at any stage been part of either Drynam or Feltrim ever.You may be from kinsealy village fair enough,but Kinsealy Court and The Kinsealy Inn and indeed Melrose have always been part of Kinsealy and that's been their postcode since they were built, i sense a bit of snobbery here on your part !.
No snobbery here, just simple facts. However explain this. Roadstone is in feltrim, Drynam Hall is off Kettles lane either Cloghran or Swords, and Groose Hill off Pennock Hill which is in Swords townland. How come you must leave Kinsealy and pass through these other townland areas to get to another kinsealy? It is I suspect a real estate ploy as Kinsealy is in the townland area of Malahide and that in itself will drive prices up. Anyway I am only part of 4th Generation Kinsealy residences, they may have changed the townlands and not told anyone - it happens - as long as I still get my post and friends can find me I am happy
listen im not going to argue with a '4th generation kinsealy resident' over this small matter. My postal address states 'Kinsealy' and thats good enough for me. Not that the name of the area would have made any difference on the purchase for me. It was the actual house and where it happened to be placed on this earth that i liked. not the name.