Estates in Kilcock, Kildare



This is my first time to use this site so I hope I am not repeating topics that have come up before.
I have recently put a deposit on a house in Brayton Park. I have just discovered that the electricals are very standard. no socket in hall or no telephone points upstairs & also no pipe upstairs in any of the bedrooms. Plus there is the bare minimum sockets. It comes with absolutely no tiles in bathrooms or kitchen. For every socket or extra wire, the charge is 68euros. As my partner is an electrician we are lucky as he will be able to do most of the extras himself, however there was extras we required to be done by the builders which totals 570euro, the builder this morning told us to drop CASH ONLY down to the site during the week. Is this the norm? I thought it was a bit odd. The roof hasn't even been finished yet. We have asked for the name of the electricians but they won't tell us?? Can anyone through more light on this? It is a 3 bed mid-terraced & costing 270k which as we are going outside dublin I thought was pricey enough & would definitely get more extras?
It's simple. This is a tax evasion scam and is illegal. You won't receive advice on this site about how to engage in it.
Just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

Therefore what your saying is I should refuse to pay them cash? Obviously this is not normally the case for them to request cash, when people are getting extras done how is it normally invoiced & paid for? I am a first time buyer so am totally new to this.
I honestly don't men to sound high-handed or holier than thou about this but what does or doesn't normally happen is not really the point here. There is a well established position on this site that nobody advises or facilitates tax evasion and - unless you are going to be issued with a VAT receipt - it's fairly obvious what the builder is up to.
just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

Yes I understand what your saying. Thanks
Re: just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

Why do you assume that there is an attempt to evade tax ? Plenty of businesses operate on a cash only basis.

Ask for a receipt if it worries you.
Re: just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

If the builder was going to put all these extras through his books, it would be cheaper for him to do this in a non-cash form (unless he's bringing in a whole different set of contractors to fit these extras - in which case the quality issues would ring alarm bells - he must be regularly paying those contractors large amounts by cheque etc. so it'll be more efficient for him to just have one payment method).

Tax evasion in the Irish building industry? There is plenty of evidence (just look at the offshore payments to politicians revealed in the Tribunals).

If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a's probably a duck.
Re: just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

Just to be clear oysterman, are you saying that the developer of Brayton Park, Kilcock is evading tax ?
Re: just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

Good god, no.
Re: just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

Can you explain then just what you mean by:

If it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a's probably a duck.

Not all people who deal in cash are corrupt. The guy may have to pay for labour or materials upfront, and a cash payment may be easiest all round.
Re: just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

Why do builders not have the same problems sourcing materials and labour with the cheque payment for the overall house?

If my solicitor did a job of work for me but asked me to pay in cash for something extra I asked her to have a look at during the course of our dealings I'd know full well what she was up to and wouldn't play ball.

Why should people be expected to play by different rules when dealing with builders?
Re: just purchased a house in Brayton Park, Kilcock

plenty of businesses do operate in a cash only basis, as I've found out much to my dismay. Paying my credit card is next to impossible for a lot of areas (which is crazy). Get a receipt would be the bottom line so that you are covered for what you are paying and have evidence that an agreement was made. You're not the moral guardian of these guys but need to make sure that your position is secure in that you will get what you pay for . for me - I pay by cheque whereever possible so that I can track the payment being made. There are still a lot of workers however that want to be paid by cash so that they don't have to wait for cheques to clear for payments etc . Some materials are sold at discount if paid in cash - why give visa the money - as far as I'm aware credit card companies take a percentage of the sale amount.. So, I would think your main priority would be to enure that you get a receipt. We had to do this a few years ago when we bought and I don't think it was that unusual but I could be wrong. From what i can remember we had to get some sort of certification after the house was complete to ensure that the electrics were ok , so you should check that area out .
Good luck with the purchase - high stress all right !! P.S. - get a power shower if there's not one included , and lights under the kitchen cabinets - don't wait til afterwards as it will be much more expensive as there will be re-plastering etc to be done
Brayton Park, Kilcock


We have just put a deposit on a 4 bed semi-d in Brayton Park. I would be very interested to hear from anyone living in the estate or that is familiar with the area. Is there anything we should know about before putting the final deposit down?

We have checked with Kildare council and from what we can see there is nothing to put us off so far and it looks like a really nice development.

Many thanks.
I too have bought a house in Brayton Park. IT does look like a nice development. The land around it will be built on eventually. The land on the left hand side of as you come into the estate is being used and will continue to be used as recreational land with astro turf pitches and other sporty facilities due to be built. This may lead to an increase in traffic but should add to the price of the house. The motorway will have a slip road going into kilcock right beside the estate. This will be great when completed, as you wont have to go near the village when driving from Dublin. A mate of mine also just moved in. He said to make sure that you snag the house very thoroughly as the builder is "hard to reach" once you have moved in. He says it is quiet and a great estate at the moment. The Kilcock Railway is apparently going to be upgraded soon, which should mean more frequent trains.

Anyone planning to buy in RYbridge ...kilcock...I have put a deposit on a 3 bed duplex price = 260k...bought it off the plans .still a little undecided but do not need to sig n contract for 3 more weeks:...sounds like a good price as motorway will soon extend out there . Hope to live there and rent out 1 room

thank you
Re: Ryebridge , Kilcock, Kildare

Hi catherine17,

I am not too familiar with Ryebridge but I moved to Kilcock about 6 months ago and am quite familiar with the area. I remember reading recently in a local paper that the adjacent estate were objecting to pedestrian access from Ryebridge, if they are successful with this it could make your walk into town a lot longer so that might be worth looking into.

As for Kilcock, its changing a lot at the moment, the train to town takes about 45 minutes but currently there are not that many trains that serve Kilcock. If you are working City centre 9-5pm, then you would be fine but off peak its not great. The new junction off the motorway is nearly finished and this will make it a lot more accessible by car.

Best of luck.
Brayton Park Kilcock-Where is the Patio ?

I am enquiring about apartments in brayton park kilcock , as i bought a two bedroom apartment off the plans , and now find coming towards closing changes have been made to what was shown in the brochure . A patio area previously shown on the brochure for the property is no longer included in the completed property . The buliders say this is a minor change to common areas and minor changes to common are allowed as per building contract . However not including a patio area or terrace as shown in brochure automatically devalues the property and makes it less desirable . This therefore must be a major change as it affects the vaue of the property .Is anyone else in a similiar situation ? or buying a two bed apartment Brayton park Kilcock . Would this type of change require a planning permisson amendment to be submitted to the planning office for co. kildare in naas ?