Estates in Balbriggan.



Thinking of buying a house in Balbriggan? Is it nice any hints and tips?
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

There are a couple of other threads for Balbriggan in previous posts I think already. I moved back to the town 4 months ago from Dublin having been brought up there, and I haven't looked back since. Essentially most of the new estates are on the outskirts to the north west, and this area is getting very built up with poor access roads, particularly where the new Dunnes stores is located. There are literally hundreds of houses located there, and it is still a building site, while development is ongoing, but you get that in alot of growing towns. I don't know the figures at this stage for future developments. But you will still get good value buying a house in Balbriggan.

If you look through some editions of the Fingal Independant online you may get a feel for the area and future planning.

Older estates and the centre of the town is considered old Balbriggan, and is more convenient for access to the train station, and the shops, if you are considering buying second-hand. It is still a friendly town, and welcoming to newcomers considering the huge expansion it has undergone. It has the amenities of the beach and Ardgillan for walks. Like alot of other towns undergoing development, some facilities are lacking, e.g. a good leisure centre though one is in the plans by the rugby club in Balrothery. The SuperValu supermarket is excellent, Tesco is very poor. There are a couple of good pubs, and Drogheda is another option up the road for a nightout - taxi fares back to Balbriggan are not extortionate in comparison coming back from Dublin city centre. The direct Bus Eireann Nightrider and the Nitelink buses run regularly at the weekends.

If creche/schools are a concern for you, I know from talking to the neighbours that they are booked up until next September. I can't fault the schools, the standard of education was good enough for me The commute into the city centre is 40+ minutes to Connolly, there are express trains in the evening that can get you home in 30 minutes from Pearse. I get the earlier morning trains (pre 7am) to avoid the crowds - it can be very squashed. More often than not I get a seat but it is standing room only after Balbriggan.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

George said:
'edit considerable nonsense'..... Avoid. Avoid. Avoid.
While I'm genuinely sorry for your own bad experiences I honestly can't say they reflect truely on Balbriggan in my own experience.

I've lived here for over a year and on the main street in fact and haven't had a single problem. I'm often strolling down the town during the day and evening and have never once encountered the element you keep refering to. In fact if anything i've found the locals welcoming and friendly, especially in the shops on main street.

Blackrock or Malahide it ain't but it's a long way from what you described. I would echo much of what Splash has said, while my opinions on property have been mentioned on here before there's better value to be had in Balbriggan versus a lot of place, it's right off the M1 and train services are quite good (though parking is an issue there), shopping is more than adequate and the Pavillion in Swords is only 15 minutes away. It's a nice town to walk around too and there's some lovely beaches for walking a matter of minutes away too.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

I have a young family and have lived quite happily there for 5 yrs. I regularly walk through the town in the evenings and have never had any problems with anyone. In fact the main problem is the risk of being over-run with other 30-something mothers like myself out power walking. The town may not be much to look at but it is improving and can only get better. The beaches are not great but are OK for a walk now and again. Ardgillan is one of the best parks around and rarely very busy. The supermarkets are good (except Tesco) and since Lidl opened the prices are reasonable. The schools are excellent and there are plenty of activities for children (Karate etc in Combined Clubs, Rugby club, Soccer, GAA, Swimming lessons in Gormanstown college). I find peoples attitude to Balbriggan annoying as there is snob element who will always run it down (eg George).
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

bettyco said:
I find peoples attitude to Balbriggan annoying as there is snob element who will always run it down (eg George).
I aggree totally. I've lived in a few rough areas in my time and Balbriggan doesn't even come close. There are estates where I wouldn't like to live personally but that hardly tarnishes the entire township.

I enjoy living here to be honest but if we could just get rid of a certain element (cough *george* cough ) it would be even friendlier! (said tounge in cheek of course..)

Seriously while everyone is entitled to an opinion comments such as "junkies and scumbags" are utter nonsense. I've seen nothing remotely like that in the past year and my fiance has lived here for almost 30 years with none of the problems George encountered.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

Hold on a second, get that chip off your shoulder. Pointing out my experiences in Balbriggan is not snobbery...

1) My wife was mugged by some junkie on the main street
2) Some Nigerian wrote our car off and promptly f***ed off never to be seen again after it was established he had no insurance etc, according to the Fingal Independent there are record numbers of these incidents happening in Balbriggan and the surrounds
3) The beaches are filthy and the water so full of human faeces that it has been highlighted as a health risk. A major HEROINE (spelling?) dealer ran his lucrative business from Pinewood till recently until armed Gardai raided his house and arrested him and some gang members. Lovely.
4) The 2 estates, Pinewood and Lambeecher are complete kips. Just read the local newspapers to see that its not just petty crime and anti-social behaviour thats goes on.
5) Balbriggan houses the most recipients of rent allowance and other welfare payments in Ireland. Essentially its a glorified Mosney.

The place is a horrible kip. Sorry. Its not snobbery its a fact.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

George, you and your family may have had a couple of bad experiences, but in fairness, what other town in Ireland has not had a mugging in daylight in its lifetime, or a crash with the other party having no tax, insurance etc. You must have a very different definition of scumbags to me, I've personally never come across one in Balbriggan in 30 years. Yes, you are entitled to express your opinion, but why loose your argument by accusing others of having a chip on their shoulder for expressing theirs.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

George said:
1) Walk around the town when all the commuters are safely in work. Its full of junkies and scumbags,

Never seen any junkies and scumbags around the town. You're more likely to see loads of builders with all the work going on at the moment.

The pubs are decent enough and there are 6 or 7 beauty salons. The new Dunnes is great and the access road is fine, unless you end up trying to get there from Hamlet Lane (I think that's the name of the road).

The trains have improved a lot since Monday and I'm no longer crushed in the morning

Haven't experienced any crime. My car was vandalised when I lived in Ranelagh but I wouldn't hold that against the area, it happens everywhere.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

I moved to the estate Moylaragh in June 2003. At the time there were just a nice amount of houses but nothing could have prepared me for the amount that were built / or being built before I eventually sold my house in July 2005. There are far too many houses being built in the one area. Just before I sold my house my boyfriend & I went for a walk around the estates and we just couldn't believe the amount of houses that had been built in the short time that I lived there. Anyway, I was pretty much happy with the area (i loved the house and had decorated it to a very high standard). In November 2004 a family of Eastern Europeans moved into the house oppopsite mine and after that there just seemed to be more and more moving into the estate. On weekends in particular there could be anything up to 4 or 5 van loads of other eastern european origin families visiting my neighbours and there children were let do what they liked, there were often times I had to sit at my kitchen window to make sure that the rocks they were throwing at each other did not hit my car. On other occassions these children would use the street as a toilet, even though the particular house they resided in actually had 3 bathrooms. Other times they would sit on my kitchen window ledge and stare in at me eating my dinner, and if that wasn't bad enough I had a B-B-Q one particular Saturday night and my guests were asked for parking money by these same children outside my own hall door, needless to say I was flabbergasted. To be honest I just felt that I wasn't going to pay all this money (mortgage) to live in an area where this kind of carry on was an everyday occurance so I decided to sell my house. Luckily for me I sold the house within 4 weeks (it was in beautiful condition so it really sold itself). To this day I miss my house but I don't miss the area.
Hamlet Lane Balbriggan

Does anyone know anything about this particular area? Any help much appreciated
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

Wow, I can't believe some of the comments!

I've lived in Balbriggan for the past 3 years and had some problems with tenants in our estate but never had damage to our car or been mugged etc.

Great value for money to be had for property at the moment. Where else would you get a 4 bed house in reasonably good condition in Dublin for around 300K?

I've lived in some pretty bad areas on Dublin's Northside & also in the best. I wouldn't change it for the world and have become very happy with it.

Worst sides for me would be the commute to Ballsbridge everyday and the lack of seating on the train. State of the roads to and from Balbriggan, particularly the Naul Road & general traffic problems due to construction traffic. I have heard mothers commenting that it is very isolating during the day so if you have small kids and a stay at home parent it would be good to check out support structures before you move.

Good parts would be walking on the beach in the evening with friends. Good social life, cheap cost of living due to cheap mortgage. Quietness - the first month I moved here I couldn't get over the fact that it was so quiet. Trust me, when you've lived in the biggest joyriding area in Dublin for 2 years prior that is a big difference! Opening my window and being able to hear the sea as we live right beside the beach. Friendliness of people, I've always been able to smile & have a chat with people in the shops etc & great neighbours. I'm a bit biased there though as half my family have moved with me!

Best of luck with your decision......
Re: What is Balbriggan like?


As someone who lives in balbriggan, i am a bit taken aback at everything just read here! I moved into 'old' balbriggan - bought in quiet area and am renovating it. It's very quiet and completely private.

in the past 3 years, there has been huge development going on in the area - new shopping centre nearly complete, hotel getting massive expansion, M1, town centre being revamped, Dunnes Stores and Lidl have opened, huge multimillion sporting development near town centre, new library opening, Drogheda port moving to balbriggan and also being expanded, National Seal Sanctuary - which is expected to be a top tourist attraction opening up, a cinema is ready to open as soon as management company can be found. Not to mention the amount of new businesses which have opened up - there were 2 beauticians when a while ago, now there are 5.

If you choose carefully - you should be fine.

good luck!
Re: Hamlet Lane Balbriggan


Hamlet Lane... this is an older part of Balbriggan. There is a little cul-de-sac with very nice detached houses in it. However it is directly adjacent to the large housing estates. It is also directly adjacatent the GAA club... which is moving to a new site and the odl one will probably go to houses.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

an option is to try and get a house in Balrothery which is one mile closer to Dublin.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

i am curious as to what people think of dublin port being moved to balbriggan?
Re: What is Balbriggan like?


I have no idea where Balbriggan is. But, how do you reconcile your post in this thread with your previous post?

Re: What is Balbriggan like?

it'll be a few miles north. doesn't bother me... there will be some extra jobs around and perhaps increased trade in the town. it's just an industial estate on water!

why? do you have any concerns?
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

Hi Marion,

Yes I did mention in my post above that we have had problems with people in our estate - they were an ongoing issue. However I don't feel that my difficulties with people in our estate should be considered as a problem for all of Balbriggan, and as mentioned previously we have managed to reach a ceasefire. Since my last post on this matter we have had very few difficulties.

Considering the town as a whole, we find it a great place to live with some brilliant amenities and have built up great friends and set down roots.

Regarding the proposed port at Bremore - The port will be located outside of Balbriggan to the North, before Gormanstown proper. It is to be developed by the Drogheda Port Company and no doubt will bring a good bit of trade and employment to the general Balbriggan area. Personally, I have concerns about the Port development without the appropriate infrastucture such as quality roads being in place and I'm sitting on the fence with regards to this one!

With regards to Balrothery - Generally speaking property in the Balrothery area would be more expensive. It is a beautiful area, it is not however within a reasonable walking distance of the train station which might be a consideration.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

As far as I am concerned Balbriggan is an awful place.In a few years time you are going to be reading about it for all the wrong reasons.I feel sorry for anyone who has kids in this area.A complete dump.
Re: What is Balbriggan like?

How helpful..... Would you like to quantify your statement?

Do you live in Balbriggan?

To the original poster - As with any property it pays to do a good bit of research on your proposed location and how it would work for you. Please don't be guided solely by the comments on this board and thread. It is important to find out as much as you can about Balbriggan from other sources also. For example read the Fingal Independent - it can be found on
Check out what is planned for the town with regards to amenities etc & research recent planning applications. Find out what it's like for schools, childcare, cost of living, nightlife - find out how it fits for you. I would do the same for any location if I were planning on buying, what suits one person would not necessarily suit another. HTH!