Estate Agents bills me after a year and a half


Registered User

I had my house up for sale with joint agents back in March 07. At end of May 07 after no viewings from one of the agents I got rid of him - I did ask for a bill for advertising during a telephone conversation and he said not to worry about it - which I thought was the end of the matter. Today October 08 I received a bill for E779 from the estate agency he works for - E470 for paper advertising, E152 brochure, E157 for internet. I'm a little annoyed at the cheek of it! What should I do?

Thanks in advance


I had my house up for sale with joint agents back in March 07. At end of May 07 after no viewings from one of the agents I got rid of him - I did ask for a bill for advertising during a telephone conversation and he said not to worry about it - which I thought was the end of the matter. Today October 08 I received a bill for E779 from the estate agency he works for - E470 for paper advertising, E152 brochure, E157 for internet. I'm a little annoyed at the cheek of it! What should I do?

Thanks in advance


ignore it
Write them a letter explaining that you were under the impression that after the telephone conversation with - named individual - that you would not be billed. Ask if it is standard practice to wait eighteen months before sending bills. Wait to see how they respond before taking the next step. It does seem very odd that they would not charge you at the time for advertising costs - sounds like a mess up by someone in their office.

I did ask for a bill for advertising during a telephone conversation and he said not to worry about it

I wonder did he forget at the time that he had incurred outlay on your behalf? Its odd for any auctioneer not to charge advertising costs to clients.

Yes it is strange - the other agent (as there was a joint agency) I did pay at the time. The other agent I did actually write out and ask for bill in May 07 and I mentioned it during telephone conversation. Whatever about the paper advertisements - I thought E150 for brochure which was printed off the computer and that agent brought no one to the house in the 3 months. They just seem totally unprofessional and while I always pay my bills I think feel strongly about this one.


Yes it is strange - the other agent (as there was a joint agency) I did pay at the time. The other agent I did actually write out and ask for bill in May 07 and I mentioned it during telephone conversation. Whatever about the paper advertisements - I thought E150 for brochure which was printed off the computer and that agent brought no one to the house in the 3 months. They just seem totally unprofessional and while I always pay my bills I think feel strongly about this one.


The brochure wont have just been printed off the computer as there is generally software in place so that every time a brochure is uploaded there is a charge and and changes made there can also be a charge to EA, but you are right in questioning the price it sounds like pulling a figure from a hat. Negotiate and he will prob be happy to cover his ad fees.
I would have expected the agents fees to only become payable if he found a buyer at a price that was acceptable to you. Check your contract with the agent.
Hi Steve D,

It is not his fees are in question as you said he didn't sell so he doesn't get paid he billed me for advertising whilst I was told on the phone over a year ago when I asked to pay for advertising "not to worry about them" and then I receive bill at this stage.
