Estate Agent - must I place an offer to be kept in the loop?


New Member
I've heard that if you express interest but don't make an offer on a property, the estate agent may not keep you 'in the loop' regarding most recent offers.

Does anyone know if that's accurate? I'm a bit clueless on this stuff.
Generally the onus will be on you to call the agent for updates. There's no way an estate agent is going to keep all the tyre kickers updated especially given the current seller's market.
Just put in a bid of +1,000 and then wait until everyone except you and another bidder drops out or the price goes too high for you.
There is very little downside to making an offer.

If you persistently make offers that aren't serious then individual estate agents will no longer take you seriously. But not likely if you only do it occasionally.

If you are just curious an estate agent will probably tell you the sale price over the phone when it goes sale agreed. When it actually sells it is usually on the property price register within 6 weeks.