ESRI concern over construction slowdown


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Professor John Fitzgerald explains the Institute's rather downbeat medium-term review

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I have been going on about how the construction industry is fuelling wage inflation in the private sector (and causing benchmarking in the public) for years. IMHO by the time the construction industry slows down and construction jobs start to go there will be bugger all manufacturing jobs left in the country and bugger all indigenous export focused industry either.
It's much like what happened in Scotland with the oil industry.
the ESRI have weakened their own position in my opinion as they are becomming a little bit like the boy who cried wolf. Yes we are far too reliant on construction but they have been saying for years we will have a house fall and every year they have been wrong so people now just ignore it
Incidentally, the European Housing stock average is 428 per 1000. We are still at 391 so in theory thats why we need to build so much. Added to that the expected population growth and maybe we are all overreacting in expecting a drop...i keep waiting for one myself as well...