ESRI are proposing a property charge of €2.50 per €1,000 valuation?

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At the end of the day, we are running a deficit of €10bn p.a.

Errr Croke Park is a huge part of keeping this deficit. A herd of elephants in the room. Like other have said if there were services inplace then no problem. Especially in some rural areas when the council barely maintain roads if at all.
Errr Croke Park is a huge part of keeping this deficit. A herd of elephants in the room. Like other have said if there were services inplace then no problem. Especially in some rural areas when the council barely maintain roads if at all.

I don't make a habit of defending public service pay or numbers, but what's the payroll of the public service, €15bn or so? You'd be lucky to get a €1bn net of taxes saving from a 10% cut to gross wages.

To cut the €10bn deficit we'll probably need €2-3bn from Croke park, €2bn from social welfare cuts, €1.5bn from household/water charges and further other smaller measures.

If Croke park is not delivering the required savings there will be cuts, but you're obviously not going to make all the €10bn savings out of public service pay.
Allowing waivers for those on social welfare just widens the "poverty trap" in preventing some people from taking up employment. Better to either reduce social welfare top-line rates or deduct property tax at source from payments.
Spot on - it gets to a stage where there are so many waivers that it really begins to feel like working is a mugs game.

If I was Enda and the boys I'd be saying that any waivers for OAPs & those on social welfare would be funded from direct reductions in state pension and the dole (possibly in addition to cuts already being considered e.g. waivers ad a 10% cut or no waivers and a 5% cut - take your pick)
I'd be interested to see how credits (UK) or exemptions work in other countries for those with low or no income. We cannot be unique in having families trapped in NE, with an inability to liquidate their 'asset' in order to avoid the charge.

OAPs are not the issue really, most have no mortgages, can downsize or leave it for Probate to deal with. Its the working poor in horrific negative equity that really need to be examined in this. But what could you do, exempt those on FIS? In order to get FIS one needs to be working, and it is a fairly good stepping stone out of the welfare trap.
SarahMc can you provide a link to the ERSI report/study/proposal?

How does the ERSI suggest the valuation is done?
What about the "flat rate" for apartments? We both work and are gone over 10 hours a day- we are pretty water conscious and with only two in the apartment would not use dishwasher/washing machine a huge amount. Compare this to three of our neighbours, one runs her business out of her apartment (she minds 3 kids) and two others are full time stay at home Mums with 2 kids (again their useage would be much more than ours).

So if we have no meters, just the flat rate- how do we calculate how much we go above the "free allowance"?
[broken link removed]

I confess I haven't read it in full yet, just the headlines.
Thanks for the link.

I notice that the word tenant is not mentioned once in the report so we can asume that the proposal remains as a property owners tax.
Thanks for the link.

I notice that the word tenant is not mentioned once in the report so we can asume that the proposal remains as a property owners tax.

It is a tax on the asset, so it is the owner that's paying....

I live in the country. Local services???? I pay for my bins. I pay for my water scheme water connection. The road is pot holed...what exactly am I paying for?????????????

According to many sources, dishwasher actually save water and energy and therefore are actually good for the environment.

As for someone who stays at home all day, I can't see them taking baths or watering the garden all day. Wouldn't the difference just be a few cups of tea as whether you stay at home all day or spend more of the day away wouldn't your laundry and plant watering etc have to be done anyway and would be done at home ? In fact if someone goes to work don't they end up with more dirty clothes to wash and might they not take more showers ? I have often had a shower after coming home from work. To be fair minded you can't judge someone for being a stay at home mum.
I live in the country. Local services???? I pay for my bins. I pay for my water scheme water connection. The road is pot holed...what exactly am I paying for?????????????

You are paying for the local council managers Yacht, private schools for his kids and the high cost of petrol he puts into his merc

If the local councils have funds withdrawn from local government which is not replaced by you then they might actually have to behave like normal businesses and start laying unproductive people off, cutting waste, streamlining how they operate and tying in salary with productivity. It's far easier to use the apparatus of the state to empty your pockets.

I am not judging people for being a stay at home mum, but I do know that my sister who is a stay at home mum her water useage would be a huge amount more than us. We get a lot of our work clothes dry cleaned as both have to be suited & booted, we have only one set of bed clothes to be changed regularly (unless we have guests). We have often taken my neices/nephews and my god the difference in everything water/electric/heat! I am just saying that a flat rate for all apartments (depending on what is it) is not a fair way either-and won't encourage people to save water.
I lived oversea's where we always had to buy in our water, so have no problem with water charges & think we need to conserve (as I look out at the p*ssing rain) so am just curious about how they will calculate the flat rate!
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