Esker Woods/Brookvale Lucan


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Friend has had offers accepted on 3 bed semi in Esker Woods Lucan and also 3 bed end-terrace in Brookvale in Lucan Village. The house in Lucan village is slightly larger, better location, but €70,000 dearer, but she likes the house in Esker Woods better, but is not sure the area will hold its value or be as nice as Lucan village in years to come. Any advice welcome. She said she would make her decision by Friday.
Tough choice, deckland or village life.

One thing to consider is that in a few years (4?) the Luas line F will be around which will probably support value in houses near stops - unfortunatly the final preferred route is not yet chosen. [broken link removed]
Brookvale is a nice little estate but it is very close to the village, could be quite noisey and bsuy at night with people going home from the pubs. also tthe traffic builds up very bad sometimes outside the estate so could be a problem trying to get in and out of the estate as there is only on entrance. i remember knowing somebody who used to live in the estate and they could see the statoil sign from the garage from their sitting room (which was out the back) glowed at night time

i would go more for esker woods, not too far from the village but its i a proper big housing estate with more people.....and as you said cheaper!!!
Personally, I would go for Brookvale over Esker Woods any day.

It really depends what she wants out of the area though. Definitely more of a suburban atmosphere in Esker Woods, though Brookvale would appear to hold its value far better. €70,000 is a serious amount of money though and if she prefers the house in Esker Woods and is there for the long haul, might be a preferable option.

I lived in the mass of houses of outer Lucan for seven years and though I had no problem, always said if I were to move within Lucan I would stick to the village. Looked at a house in Brookvale at the time but decided not to go for it.
70k is a lot of money and I'm not sure that I'd be enticed to spend that much in Brookvale over Esker Woods. Brookvale is in the village which is very nice but I think traffic wise its possibly not the best location and I think the estate looks a bit cramped. Esker Woods is definitely one of the nicest estates outside of the village, it always looks very well maintained and has aged well. I looked at both of these estates when buying and although I liked the village location of Brookvale I thought that overall Esker Woods was a nicer estate. However if your friend plans to be there long term the bigger house in Brookvale might make more sense. Both are in St. Marys Parish so nothing to choose from there. If your friends budget can stretch she should check out laraghcon if she is after the village location. I also looked here and thought the estate was gorgeous and the 3 beds were deceptively spacious.
Hi! everyone, thanks for the advice. Told my friend this p.m. about the statoil sign. The house she is thinking of buying backs onto the statoil station, and she would also be able to see the sign from statoil station, so she is grateful for this info. She is leaning more towards Esker Woods too now. She is away a lot of the time and feels that a house in Esker Woods might be better security wise when she is away. Also, noticed that there are a lot of renters in Brookvale, but not very many in Esker Woods. The eas seem to be rushing to get the deposit, but she is going to say that she needs more time to make her decision. Thanks.