eSIM providers in Ireland

Only LycaMobile offers 5G eSim in Ireland.Please correct me if I am wrong.
Looks like other providers do too:
Revolut too?

Tesco and Gomo don't appear to offer esims in Ireland.
48 still don't offer eSIMs just in case anybody was wondering...
(Even though they're a subsidiary of Three).
I tried LycaMobile eSim. It offers good 5G speed.

Also for the first 1 year only 10 EUR for 28 days All unlimited.

Only con is their support. Might take many days to get an email back and many times their online chat support wont work.
Secondary question why do providers even still use sims?
For the hundred of thousands of phones still in use that need them. Not all phones are able to use an eSim.

I’ve used the eir brand GoMo World when travelling in the US and it worked splendidly which is ironic as eir don’t offer an eSim in Ireland yet!
Fair enough on the phones that don't do it, but about time for the option.

Never heard of gomo world, v interesting.