Escape to Africa on Volunteer work? Anyone done that?


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Hi, I have had a very rough 2010 to date, I know, it's only Feb and I am thinking of heading off to South AFrica come this November, to Port Elizabeth to go spend time in a charitable foundation helping out endangered species in a wildlife park. Soul healing or what? It is quite expensive to go but I was wondering, what airline are good because I have to fly to Cape Town (they pick you up by shuttle) but the return flight they said to take from Port Elizabeth airport? Has anyone ever done anything like this, volunteer work abroad? I was just planning on going for 4 weeks due to work restrictions.
I lived in South Africa for a few years back in the 90's. It's a great spot. I would recommend you fly to Cape Town using South African Airways via London Heathrow, or else B.A., but SAA staff are second to none.

Also, a good friend of mine did some charity work in Kenya a few years back and said it was the best time he ever spent (very rewarding etc.).

Good luck with your travels, I know you will have a great time. Once you have visited Africa, it is very hard to leave...
Thanks Gulliver, I just know that I won't be disappointed. I have been hanging to go for years and I don't care, I am just going to do it, top up my loan, hopefully the bank will be charitable. I will check out the African airline now. Probably
extortionate price, I found one to B.A. costs €900 return which is good but must check out to cape from port elizabeth.
Very interesting, I met a lady who did exactly that when I was flying back from SA last year. She LOVED it.

AFAIK you can fly BA to Capetown, then coming home take an internal flight SA Airlines from Capetown to Port Elizabeth.

The lady I met had found out about it on No Frontiers (I think) so maybe you could check out to see is there any other info?

She said it was hard work and rough living, but running water etc....and that they take it easy with you til youre used to the animals, you are not put into a position where you could cause a problem because of fear or inexperience. But you do do plenty of hard work. She said it was very rewarding.

Ive thought about it myself, sounds amazing.
It all depends on the time of year you travel... Just remember that our Winter is their Summer, etc.

Honestly though, it will be one of the best things you have ever done. I have travelled SA as well as surrounding countries (Swaziland, Mozambique, Kenya, Zim) extensively and have been exposed to some of the poorest shanty towns around, and I can tell you for a fact that the South African people are one of the most humble around.

I think it's a great idea, good for you and good luck!!

Btw, if you don't mind me giving you my opinion, there are many nicer places than Port Elizabeth, especially if you are interested in helping animals. If that is your thing, you should head for the Kruger National Park without a shadow of a doubt.

Any other questions, feel free...
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Thanks for the advice. This is it gulliver, I haven't really got a clue of what I am at, I just need to live, follow a passion and love of animals. I read up on two websites recommended in the Irish Times supplement which were called and So rummaging through those two and the one outside Port Elizabeth, which is what I want to do which is partly treating all endangered and injured/orphaned wildlife plus helping out on the park, doing manual labour etc. Going to a great cause, so I don't mind the hard work, might tone me up a bit!! It is based beside Jeffrey's bay, don't know if you know it, so they say that is not far from Port Elizabeth. Kruger Park I have heard is amazing, but, now this is just me presuming, I wouldn't get up close and personal with the animals or what would happen, where do I go to look into this stuff. So many questions, I will have your head fractured.
I know Jeffrey's Bay well, spent many a Summer there actually. Nice place.

If I were you, and I wanted to work in the Kruger, I would be looking towards the Malelane area, it is a Northerly positioned entrance to the Kruger and is absolutely amazing.

Check out the Malelane Lodge Hotel online. The Kruger is the place to be if you want to work with animals. If you are solidly interested, I have a few friends who work as Game Rangers in the Kruger and I am sure they would be more than happy to help.
That is very kind of you to offer your contacts, as my father said, you can't get anywhere in life without contacts! Well, you certainly sound like you have lived an adventurous life to date.

I am very serious about it and very interested in going over and helping out, anything to do with animals, the country is the added bonus. I have seen everything to do with David Attenborough a million times. Just choosing the right location, best options to help out & around the place & to also be with animals. Just so many options, I don't know where to go, what would be best.
Thanks Gulliver, you have been very helpful. I will be in contact I am sure in the near future. Thanks again.