Escape for the winter


Registered User
There is a definite whiff of "back to school" in the air. Are there any contributors out there who regularily "escape for the winter", perhaps for a couple of months over the period November to March? I wouldn't be a great Benidorm or Grand Canaries type of person but I would be interested in hearing recommendations or first hand experiences.
Grizzly ,

Two years ago i headed off for Central America just after new year , went for 4 months to escape the cold , Mexico , Belize, Guatemala , Nicuragua , Honduras , Costa Rica & Panama , High light was Panama , as an engineer to finally get to see the Panama canal was an ambition fulfilled, actually navigated the entire length of it 4 times , lowlight was having a knife pulled on me in Managua( capital of Nicuragua).
This year Jan - May I hit S.E Asia , Thailand , Burma , Laos , 1 provience of China , Vietnam , Cambodia and Malyasia , highlight was most definitely Song Kran festival in Thailand , its the Bhuddist new year and basically involves everyone partaking in a huge waterfight , young and old , even policemen will willingly let you drown them with pump action waterpistols , oh the deep joy of been a kid for a day again should NEVER be underestimated. Lowlight was Killing fields and S21 torture museum in Phenom Phen , Cambodia , even though i wentof my own accord and was'nt forced at gun point ,it aint something i would willingly do again , really knocked the wind out of my sails to stand against a tree to take a drink of water and have the guide tell you that over 5000 infants were battered to death against that very tree.
Next year South America is been planned though Africa could also be looked up , anyone else got any ideas?
i goto the pyrennes every jan/feb for 5or6 weeks snowboarding. at least your dressed for the cold and you're a long way from work!
Can't beat Australia. Sydney for the comopolitan buzz, Melbourne if Sydney's a little too hot for you or you're looking for a quieter cultural slice of life. Throw in a bit of touring around around either city - especially Melbourne.

English language, food value for the euro, good food, drive on the same side as we do.....
Check out Malta: plenty of adverts in the English press, particularly at weekends, for long stay holidays for very little money.
As last year, assuming the the airport chaos is sorted, we will be off there in December. Rarely needed a jacket last year so climate should suit.
A little place in Spain called Almerimar. It's a small place built around a beautiful marina. Plenty of restaurants etc. open through the winter. Gorgeous beaches, Gary Player Golf course and, if you drive for an hour and a half, you can ski in the Sierra Nevada. It's Costa Almeria BTW.
Two couples I know go to Thailand, costs less to stay 5 months in a hotel there than oil central heating etc in ireland for the winter! They are early retired. I go to Almeria, southern Spain (Mojacar) for Christmas--just for the sunshine, the bright light -usually no grey skies. Breaks the winter at least!
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It seems like a lot of people go to places where they can travel around, keep on the go and be constant tourists so to speak. The people that go to Almerimar can play golf everyday but what about the people that go to Malta or Thailand for several months, what do they do all day? What would a typical day be?
Average day in Thailand for me went something like this ,
Arise at whatever time i felt like , went for a swim ( if facilities nearby), shower , breakfast( long leisurely one ) then go for a stroll around the town/city/countryside/beach bump into a few people chat to them over a coffee or if after 12 a nice cool bottle of Singha mmmmmmmmm:)
From midday until 3ish stay out of the sun , so its back to the balcony/poolside/under palm tree and read or listen to music, late afternoon take a wander down to the nearest wat( Bhudda Temple) and for tea and a chat for a while with the monks, super cool and friendly fellas when you get to know a few of them and they all want to learn or improve their English.
Leave the monks to their praying and go for a pre dinner beverage or three, dine for €5 approx on the finest of food , go for a wander round the night bazzar, a few more beverages then back to the leaba and repeat the next day:D
Not every day will end up been like this as there is so much to do activity wise and can be done without causing major damage to the wallet, elephant trekking , cookery courses , overnight trekking, mountain biking, motorbike safari's , jeep safari's , diving, sailing , rock climbing , or simply people watching - great entertainment!! Thailand is so easy on the pocket once you get away from the South and package holiday hell holes.
We have thought about Thailand. I think I would need to slum it in a 4 star or similar as we are not great with the bugs. Possibly rent a nice apartment, is that what you did? I wouldn't be interested in an isolated hotel on even the most beautiful beach in the world, got to have things to see. The cookery courses sound interesting. I'm afraid the jeep safari's and the more active pursuits are not for me.
I spent some time in Rennes in Northern France this summer and really loved the place because it has a great bus station and train station where you could wander down to in the morning and hop on whatever happened to be leaving at that point in time, most bus tickets were less than €5. for longish journeys. Hopefully I will do the same next year in France, Portugal or Spain....just looking to extend this in to the winter months...I suppose I am looking for France's equivalent in the Southern hemisphere.
Apartment rental in Thailand is cheap , not sure of names of sites but I'm sure if you google it you'll find loads.
If turning up at a transport hub and just taking pot luck for the day or two is your thing then you'll not go wrong , bus travel is a pittiance, air travel not far behind since deregulation happened out there( and not a strike in sight :D )