ESB Overhead Wires on a Site


Registered User
Hi, has anyone ever experienced the issue of overhead wires running through your site?
Our site, for which we haven't yet applied for PP has overhead wires.
What is the procedure? Is it easy to ahve them relocated?
Are these wires merely a nuisance or are they impeding your ability to build. Either way, I'd day you have no chance of having them relocated by the ESB.......the cost of moving them or putting them underground would be prohibitive.
Hi Squonk,
it's illegal to build under we can't build without having them moved.
They are large ones (3 cables).
It's on our land (i.e. my Dad's land, and he is selling us the site)...are we not within our rights to request them to be moved?
3 wire (highish voltage) ones are rarely moved so you better move the house instead, they can be very nice about 2 wire ones.

The exception is if they are renewing the 3 wire ones anyway thru their renewal programme and the family has no other land and then they may be amenable to persuasion

The ESB has a (pretty) absolute right of way and got there first.

They are unlikely to go underground, sideways would be the best bet.
Interesting. Thanks 2Pack
The 3 wire one is quite important in fairness; it could knock out Wexford and Ennsicorthy towns in fairness.
As for them being there first...they weren't. We were.
We've owned it for the last 300 years
Them 3 wire jobbies serve lots and lots of people while 2 wire jobbies do not so ask the local ESB engineering office about their network renewal plans first and find out whats planned.

then maybe you will have a chance as they will be shutting it down anyway. The poles will have to be in place in advance etc ......and it will cost you .

you must approach them about a connection anyway.

I kind of blame your oul fella for this cack handed idea you know, has he no other land to sell ya ??
3 wires means nothing. Is it a local low or medium voltage line (typically on wooden poles and under 20,000 volts) or the giant Steel pylons typically 200,000volts+. If it's the former I've known the ESB to replace them with an underground cable ( at your considerable expense mind). If it's the latter cable cant be done and personally I would not like to live anywhere them.
"They are unlikely to go underground, sideways would be the best bet."

Don't know where you got this idea , I regularly deal with the ESB , both networks and engineering as this is a problem on a lot of our firms sites.
In all cases the esb will put them underground.
The cost to you will depend on the following, voltage of existing lines, available space on your site for ground level transformer, future network development plans.
You need to speak to the esb asap. They're not that bad to deal with imho, DON'T LET THEM DO THE WORK AND CHARGE YOU FOR IT.
Its a simple ducting operation, arrange a wayleave with the esb away from the footprint of your building, agree the line the ducting will be running along , agree the size( typically 125mm pink esb duct) and number of ducts required and the size of the drawpits. All this information will be given quite freely by the esb who will in turn send their own clerk of works to inspect your ducts etc prior to them running cables through them.
Be aware of their own regs in relation to working adjacent to overhead cables if you do go down this route.
If you pm me with the size of your site i can throw a few ballpark firures back at you for labour , plant and materials to do the work, again i can't stress enough DON'T LET THE ESB DO THE WORK AND CHARGE YOU FOR IT, they'll only get a contractor to do it and add x% onto his/her invoice.
It has been the norm (in Donegal anyhow) for the ESB to move local lines (low voltage) free of charge if the lines are interferring with a proposed house. It would appear however that in your case the lines are medium to high voltage and as such you will have to ensure a minimum seperating distance between house and lines.

Its fairly straightforward - move the house or move the lines. If you want the lines moved it will cost you big time.

As was suggested above, talk to the local ESB engineers and see how you stand.

One other point - there is some law or other that allowed the ESB the right to place their lines basically wherever they wanted to down the years. Not sure if thats still the case
Hi folks; a rather bleak picture being painted.
The lines are 38 kv lines.

The site is the only feasible one.
Spoke to my Dad last night. He says that they are legally obliged to move them or compensate us. It's the agreement he has with them.

If for some reason we can't prove this, does anyone know what it could cost to move the lines?
If it's 38kV then an underground cable is possible.I believe ESB have a right to put wires over your land and they dont need to compensate you. As a previous poster said agree what needs to be done and get a contractor to do it.
Im not 100% sure on this one but I think that the ESB are entitled to put local, low voltage lines through your land under some old law. The high voltage ones are a different animal though. They do have to negotiate and come to an agreement with the landowner for no other reason than they now need planning permission for these high voltage lines.

As previously advised I would talk to the local ESB engineers about the problem as I think they will probably move a 38kv line free of charge
Hi all,
I posted this thread last week.
Got a few good replies.
We spoke to ESB - they have agreed to move the lines. They gave us a letter saying as much.
They will do it free of charge if it is over ground.
They were very easy to deal with; they even had two different engineers call out twice. Full credit to them.
It is such a relief. Enjoy your weekends
I was thinking (and hoping) thats the way it would turn out. And Im not even going to say "I told you so"

Glad to hear its all sorted more or less to your satisfaction
Can anybody tell me if there is an eay way of telling what voltage the overhead wires are carrying? We have a wire going across our site and have contacted the ESB to move them - forms being sent etc. Concerned now having read this post that it may be more difficult than first thought. We have 2 wires going to pole at edge of site, then one "thicker" wire going across site to a pole in neighbour' site where there appears to be a box of sorts "transformer".
Where the wires meet the pylons there should be a series of discs. My understanding is that each 'Disc' represents ~10kV.
Sounds like a local line which shouldnt give you much bother. Its when you have pylons carrying the cables or 3 cables carried on wooden poles that there is a higher voltage level

Sounds like 240 volt domestic supply lines from transformer.
Should be no problem to get moved.