ESB - Costs to put overhead cables underground


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I am wondering if anyone knows the approximate costs to have overhead cables moved underground by the ESB ?

The distance of the three cables is aprox 50 metres.

I lived in a house near a lot of overhead cables. High voltage ones if I recall. The residents association were always trying to get the ESB to put the cables underground. The ESB used to retort that Cork city council would have to foot the bill. The issue was never resoved and is still under negotiation as far as I know. We were talking €'millions here. The higher the voltage of the cable the more expensive burying them is apparantly. I know that's not a direct answer to your question but I hope it gives some insight. (You can tell the voltage of the line by counting the silver disks on the cables..e.g. 12 disks is a 120kV line if I recall correctly, but my brain is a bit fuzzy on this a google on it)
If you go on ESB Networks website you can find a domestic application form for a connection. As far as I know, you complete this, submit it and then they will inform you. However, I understand that you probably want the answer asap so their contact details are:

New ESB Networks Connections
(8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday to Saturday)
Phone 18 50 37 27 57

I have heard, not sure if its true, but you pay the cost of the digging of the trench and the pipes?? and they put in the rest. I'm not sure about this one though. Sorry I cant be of much help.