Esb connection twice?

Mrs Aol

Registered User
We need to have an electricity supply on site at the start of our new build for the builders to build the house, obviously then it will need to be connected to the house once the house is finished.

We have already paid 2300 euros for the connection but it seems now that we will have to pay twice -once for the temporary supply and again when the house is finished.

Can anyone shed any light on this? is this really what happens? Can anyone please suggest a solution?

Any advice comments welcome.
2300 is alot for a new connection, this time last year I paid 1300. Use a generator for the lads working on your house.
Dude - Your builder should have their own generators. The temporary supply is usually intended/used for self build. The ESb will not put in a temp supply until you have the wall plate in for the Fuse box.

Also, it ws 1300 for me 2 years ago, however this would depend on your distance from the existing esb supply. if its over 500m, then the cost goes up.

As for the ESB - bunch of usless *******,
Don't let them hold you up to start the building, as they will.
Again the trademen should have their own generators, and it's only really on 2nd fitting that you need the ESB.
|Good luck
Thanks for the reply, Our house is coming from Germany (where it's been built in a factory). The German crew won't be bringing a generator and are not keen to even use one. Apparently at one of the other houses they built in Ireland they had problems with the generator and blew 8,000 worth of equipment!!! They want an esb supply or for us to take the risk of replacing any equipment damaged. I know even less about generators than I do esb supply.