So much for the great panacea of 'competition' to
bring about improvements for the consumer, eh?
Sure rainyday - protectionism is the answer. I
can't see how it can ever be possible for
competition among suppliers to hurt consumers while
it's very easy to see how the lack of competition
causes consumers to be screwed.
I haven't heard of "exponential" rises in electricty
rises in the UK; when did this happen? Given that
popular protest shut down the country over a petrol
price increase last year I would have assumed we
would have heard something about it.
What happened in California borders on criminal;
needless to say Enron were involved and it had
nothing to do with opening the market to
competition. All the commentary I read about it
points out that they created the worst of both
worlds - by allowing private companies to get
involved without creating a environment which would
allow competition. A bit like what they did with
Railtrack in the UK.