Error in applying for US Visa waiver


Registered User
I have a bit of an emergency. I was filling the ESTA requirements for the new US visa waiver for my wife and it was rejected. She was not allowed the waiver and so cannot travel to the US for a week away i booked for her birthday.

She is an Irish citizen with an Irish passport so the rejection made no sense to me. After must frantic searching for answers a guy at immigration at shannon told me that I had ticked a box saying she had previously sought diplomatic immunity. This was a pure mistake.

But there does not seem to be a mechanism to rectify the mistake so my wife is barred from entry to the US due to a stupid typing mistake.

Please tell me someone has some information that might help. As you can imagine I am frantic
But there does not seem to be a mechanism to rectify the mistake so my wife is barred from entry to the US due to a stupid typing mistake.

She is not barred from entry to the US, she is barred from entry using the visa waiver scheme. She is supposed to apply for a visa now by going to the embassy i think. So maybe if you contact the embassy and explain the mistake and they might be able to help.
Don't know if you looked at this

[broken link removed]

"If an applicant makes a mistake when filling out the passport information, identifying biographic information, or eligibility questions, and he or she realizes the mistake only after having submitted the ESTA application, he or she will need to submit a new ESTA application."

Suggests you just apply again ?
Thanks a lot for replying. The embassy don't want to know about it, don't live in Dublin so visiting the embassy would involve time off work on short notice. there must be a way of getting it re assessed or a new application, completeluy my own stupidity but they reached their decision on the basis of the incorrect information.

Yeah thats what it suggests but it doesn't allow new applications. Once i put in the passport number it tells me this applicant has previously been declined.
You should get an application reference number when you applied - I think you can log back in with that maybe ?

On the ESTA site you can retrieve previous application with Passport #, Date of Birth and Application ID .. perhaps you can edit there ?

Other than that i've no idea I'm afraid.
Yup, thats what I have. Thats the fella that tells me I have already applied and been shot down. Its a nightmare
Dont' know but I can login to the site and review my application and update it no problem (however I can't update things beyond hotel info etc.) - it doesn't seem to work in Firefox but works just fine in Internet Explorer

Their online help is here - [broken link removed] (but I guess you've looked at this already)
Very strange! I've tried it both on Firefox (at home) and IE (at work ) and neither will do any good. Thanks for your help any way