Erroneous Car Parking Fine


Registered User
I'm curious if anyone else has fallen victim to being erroneously sent a parking fine reminder for an incident that didn't involve them, and how they resolved it.

I received a reminder in the post last week for a parking penalty of €40 at Main Street Car Park in Arklow for a date and time in September. This was a shock to me as my car has never been to Arklow in the time I've owned it. I checked my work diary and sure enough I was at work that day (in Waterford) with my car parked outside the office (in plain view from my office window). I remembered the meetings I attended that day as we were starting a new project and it was my first day back after a long weekend in France (flew out from Shannon).

I contacted the company processing the penalties for Arklow Council and they suggested that I send the details to them via email, which I duly did. I've since been told that my fine has been placed on hold pending a decision by Arklow Council.

From my perspective, I'm 100% sure it wasn't me or my car but from their perspective I'm asking them to put trust in me and believe my story. If necessary I can ask the people I had meetings with to vouch for me but I was just wondering if other people have had their registration mistakenly written on a parking fine and what resulted.

Thanks in advance.

Not quite the same but years ago i lived in Tralee and got a parking fine for overstaying my welcome in a car park..

I was annoyed with myself and it was only later that night when i looked at the slip that i noticed that the warden had entered my reg number wrong. he had put it "LS" instead of "TS"

I often thought about it after and imagined (eg) some poor farmer in Laois getting a parking fine for a tractor that hadn't left the field for years..

I think you should be ok.
Some years ago I got a fine for speeding.

I rang up about it and they had my reg but a different make of car, so they accepted that it was not me.

I just got a notification from the Arklow County Council stating that they are not going to pursue the fine and the matter is dropped. That was quite interesting, my word against their and they accepted my word. I was expecting a more stubborn response from them.

Anyway, matter sorted, thanks for the replies.

Some years ago I got a fine for speeding.

I rang up about it and they had my reg but a different make of car, so they accepted that it was not me.
