Equity release from property

whats your rental return - need to go through each property case by case

No no no! depending on equity release for a retirement fund is asking for trouble
have you considered other ways of investing your money?
Thanks Blind justice.Why is releasing equity from property such a bad idea? What better investments are there ? You cant use most pensions until you are 65 want to retire at 55 im now 46
Equity release is debt creation. For every 1E you release in equity, you increase your debt by 1E and that debt has to be serviced. Nor can you rely on banks allowing you to release equity - so if you need the property to fund your retirement, you may have to sell the property rather than increase the outstanding debt on it.

Personally I wouldn't touch the idea with a barge pole. I'd get the principles paid off ASAP and then cash in the properties and deal with cash rather than property but then I'm not a risk taker.