Equitable Life letter re. UK Parliamentary Ombudsman's report


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Anybody else receive this letter and have any opinions on the matters raised especially as they relate to Irish current or former members? This is the letter to UK policyholders but the one to international policyholders is very similar.

[broken link removed]

Of course EL haven't bothered to update the international policyholder section of their website with this information but, in my experience, it's nothing new for them to treat non UK policyholders as second class citizens in this sort of context. The last update they have on the Irish policyholders section of the site is a letter from 2002 which and there have been several updates since. :rolleyes:
I have lost touch with this but am I reading the letter correctly?

The current chairman and chief executive of the offending company are actively encouraging UK policyholders to put pressure on the government, through local representation, to be compensated by the exchequer?
Yeah - presumably on the basis that the FSA or whoever are to blame from not stopping (through regulation) the company causing members/investors to lose out.

And not just UK policyholders - also international policyholders. Although I'm not sure who my MP is that I should write to as suggested by the letter that I received. Gerry Adams or Ian Paisley perhaps?
Clubman, thank you for posting the Equitable Life letter. Strangely, I did not receive a copy from Equitable Life eventhough I contributed to my Equitable Life pension in U.K. E.Life transferred my annuity to Canada Life (in U.K.) in 2006, without asking my opinion. I will now ask E. Life why I did not receive the letter.

The European Union Committee of Enquiry into the Collapse of Equitable Life Assurance Society in 2006 recommended that the U.K. Government should pay compensation to those who suffered a loss, mainly With Profits Annuitants. Mairead McGuinness MEP chaired the Committee and Sean O'Neachtain MEP, Gay Mitchell MEP and Liam Awlward MEP were members of the Committee. I am not aware of any respopnse from Her Majesty's Government. I intend to write to these four MEPs, especially in light of HMGovt rejection, last week, of most of the findings of HMG's Parliamentiary Ombudsman, of maladministration and injustice by the HMG Regulator. The Parliamentry Ombudsman found that HMGovt should pay full compensation. Full details can be found on and 'equitable life' discussion board on www.fool.co.uk and some details on the above MEP's websites