Equal status complaint- bank -

Maybe it's just me but I can't follow what's gone on here - do the events described here span 6 years?!

Anyway, I don't see what the genders of the people involved has to do with what appears to be an administrative boo-boo; it's not like the Irish banks are renowned for their administrative efficiency... Is it possible there's a bit of paranoia at play here?
Hi all - not giving full story so it's hard for people to appreciate

The authority was called a 'third party authority ' for partner's accounts to allow other person engage with bank on his behalf

Bank had no problems denying existence of all relevant data to DPC - but when it came to finding their evidence for FSPO investigation 7 years later they 'found' what they wanted and said everything else was never recorded.
I have no idea what this is about
Yeah - doesn't make much sense to me either.
Without more info it's impossible to comment meaningfully.
But I certainly can't see where any equal status issue comes into it at all.
not giving full story so it's hard for people to appreciate
So maybe give the full story and don't make it hard.
The authority was called a 'third party authority ' for partner's accounts to allow other person engage with bank on his behalf
Again still not following. Did the bank close your accounts 6 years ago?
What is DPC? dat protection commission? Honestly, you can anonymise this as much as you like, they don’t even have to be a same sex couple. It is so hard to follow.

A&B who are are non married couple have separate accounts in the same bank.

The couple set up with the bank a third party authorisation so that A can deal with the bank on B behalf.

The bank refuse the TPA and close both bank accounts.

For the next 6 years A&B both phone, write and call into the bank (once a year?) saying they want to put this TPA in place (but they have no accounts with the bank?). And do A&B have any records of these calls, visits and letters?

They complain to the FSPO & the DPC. Maybe DPC complaint was filed year 1? And in year 7 probably when the FSPO asked the bank to investigate…

In the course of their review the bank find the original document from 6 years ago, apologise that it was misfiled. The bank have no record of the calls, visits or letters in the 7 years since.

A&B believe all of this was because of their sex. But maybe it was due to a piece of paper being lost? The fspo agreed to investigate so they felt the complaint could have some merit. What proof do A&B have it was due to sexual discrimination and not simply poor administration?

And what sort of help are you looking for? The FSPO is your best chance of an independent investigation finding for A&B.
Really appreciate this

Yes have full records of attempts to access the authorisation and attempts to use the authorisation.

Obviously dpc accept bank's assertion that they issued all data - and bank get away
Is there some authority or adviser we can contact to check if any issue arises - based on actual facts?

Regret don't want to share full details here. Apologies for that.