entry into new zealand. must you have proof of flight out?


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I hope to arrive in Auckland in a week's time. I will be heading to melbourne but as of yet have no flight booked out of the country. Does anyone know if this is a condition of obtaining a tourist visa on arrival?
yes i think it is. when i entered on a holiday visa they asked to see proof of flight out. you might need to ring the NZ embassy in London to check it out for sure.
Yes definitely. It was by far the strictest place in relation to this when we were travelling the world
Yes it is needed. Toughest immigration I have come across. If you can, bring proof of accommodation and proof of funds also. E.g bank statement. All I was missing was the proof of accommodation (as I had planned to rent a campervan at the airport) and I got questioned for 2 hours in a holding cell. Apart from that, lovely place:)
Feck I am going there next month for a week :( Hmm I hope I don't have any problems - might contact the NZ embassey