entitlements if I have to leave your job?


Registered User
Hi I have a very important question for someone after a prolonged spell on sick leave and then a return to your work, after around 2 months back realising cant do the job in the long term. I'm aware I put this badly but my question is what are the entitlements leaving considering the lack of stamps....until something else can be found?

This is a very urgent query so any help would be appreciated in a very big way... Also accommodation is temporary in this instance what are the options in the short term re accommodation too..the long term option will probably to go self-employed.. I'm not talking about someone living off the state here its just a bad situation which needs a stop gap.... Really appreciate again any advice/help

If the person is available for and looking for work, then they can sign on for Jobseekers payment.

Jobseeker's Benefit (JB) may be payable depending on the PRSI contribution record.
If JB isn't payable, then the person will be means-tested for Jobseeker's Allowance and entitlement will depend on any other household income, savings, etc.

There may be a period of disqualification because of leaving a job, but each case is looked at in its own right, and it may not apply if there's a good reason for it (such as you've outlined).

If the person isn't available for any type of work at the moment, the options are Illness Benefit (PRSI-based), Disability Allowance (means-tested) or Supplementary Welfare Allowance (means-tested).

Rent Supplement is subject to several qualifying criteria. An information leaflet may be found here:

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Rent Supplement is generally administered by SWA Officers who work at HSE health centres or SW offices, or in some areas, it's by postal application only.