The minute that the three day week happens go to your local Social Welfare Office immediately. You will need a letter from your employer to confirm that you have been reduced to the three day week. Also bring your passport, pps number and a utility bill.
Job Seekers Benefit is actually based on a 6 day week (Mon - Sat), so you would actually be entitled to claim for three days. At one point I worked Mon, Tues, Weds and I claimed for the other days, so I got Job Seekers Benefit for Thurs, Fri and Saturday (even though I never worked a Saturday before as my working week was based on Mon-Fri). You will get these yellow slips of paper that you will need to mark on them what days you worked and didnt work and this paper will have to be stamped and signed by your employer and then dropped into the Social Welfare Office. You get your payment by cheque every Tuesday. If you are claiming for three days you will receive 98.90 per week. A full week on Job Seekers is 197.80. As previous poster said you must also be available for full time work to receive this benefit.
Be aware though that it has been taking quite some time for people to recieve their payments when first registered as apparently Social Welfare is extremely busy. It took approx two months for me to receive my first payment. It is all back dated though.